[h1]Chapter 1: The Trial of the Ruins[/h1] [@Lexisheeps] [i][color=gray]Underwater Cave, Ruins[/color][/i] [hr] [i][b]"Anybody supposed to be down here with me?" [/b][/i] There was a pause before the assistant responded. [b]"No, Contractor Nick. By all records, it should just be you and a few of HiveMind's dron-"[/b] Suspense weighed heavy in the air as the assistant seemed to check something. [b]"From my dark energy scanner, I'm detecting a large energy signature a-approaching you. That wasn't there before, I don't- I don't know what's going on. What do you see?"[/b] A slight hush came over the ruins as [i]something[/i] slithered closer from the inky confines of the tunnel. A glint of ivory and purple, eyes wide in a frenzied madness, blinked open from within the tunnel. In response to Nick's words, the beast within the darkness roared and charged forth, its body ripping off bits of the rock off the tunnel. It appeared over the ruins, a massive, writhing dragon-like beast, a dark silhouette painted against a flashing, tumultuous sky. Its skin held the same pearlescent as condensed dark energy, and its eyes were glazed with bloodlust. A dark energy beast, perhaps defending its territory, perhaps something else. But, one thing was clear as it slowly and ominously advanced towards Nick - it was out for blood. What Nick would notice, as the beast slowly approached, was that the tunnel behind it was now wide and empty. It may work as a place in which to outrun or hide from this monster, if Nick chose that route.