[center][h1]Patagonia, Chile[/h1] [b][h3]Fireteam Condor[/h3][/b] [h3] [color=ec008c]Chaos in flight[/color] [/h3][/center] Sam had carefully laid out the inflation lines and double checked all the connections for safety. She couldn’t help a grin at how happy Freya was at getting to use this suit. Sam was excited but also a little nervous. She trusted Freya but she liked to be the one in control in the skies. It just worked for her inner adrenaline junkie. This op felt more like a tandem skydiving jump. She shook her head laughing as she helped the excitable Freya into the suit. She attached the inflation lines and turned all the lines on full. She then strapped herself into her harness. As the suit began to fill, she went to stand behind Freya. She secured her harness to the clips on Freya’s harness. The harnesses were designed to hold her and Skye but to redistribute the weight evenly and allow Freya as much freedom of movement as they could while not blocking any functions for her. Skye and Sam were harnessed in as Freya began to float on her tiptoes. She was glad that Skye had the butt cheek with the Norwegian Flag. She couldn’t help a laugh at how they were sneaking into the enemy stronghold. [color=ec008c]“You know Freya. This is a first for me. I never thought I would ride my teammates' tush to sneak into a secret highly secured facility. Your tush is quite bodacious as I am sure you are aware.”[/color] She smirked with mischief lighting up her eyes. She grinned at the sight they must make. She shifted to make sure she could control her weapons. She made sure the safety was on. She didn’t want anything to get bumped while they were in the air. She was grateful for her tactical armor and helmet. The onboard climate control system would keep her from freezing in the very cold climate which would just get colder the higher they drifted. Her new helmet visor had smart glass and was set so clear at the moment so that her teammates could see her face. She gave Freya a cheeky grin as she told her [color=ec008c]“I am sure this is going to be fun!” [/color] Sam and Skye had made their last minute adjustments and had already lifted off the ground as the suit reached capacity. Skye gave Vincent the instructions to release the magnetic anchoring lines and they all rose rapidly. She looked around as they rose. The view was spectacular. Icy mountain peaks, the fading light glinted off the lake below. Then darkness fell and the landscape was dark navy blues with hints of snow and ice here and there. She sighed as the stars were bright above them in a clear sky. “[color=ec008c]It is absolutely beautiful up here. I don’t think I have ever seen a sky so clear or with so many stars.”[/color] She chuckled as Skye expressed some of what she was feeling. [color=ec008c]“It is certainly an unconventional way to travel, but it certainly has its charms. You know this was used during the US Civil War. The armies would send a spotter up in a hot air balloon to spy on enemy lines using a telescope.” [/color] She could feel the winds picking up as they neared the peaks. She frowned as they headed towards the spires. [color=ec008c]“We might experience some gusts near the peaks. The topography between the peaks might act like the wind tunnel effect you get between skyscrapers in a city.”[/color] She should have thought of that sooner. She had confidence that the jets in the suit would help them navigate between the peaks. They might even pick up some speed. [color=ec008c]“Skye, how stealthy do you want us to be? Is the goal to get in, get the info and get out? Or is the goal to wreck the place, and get out?” [/color]