[center][h1][b][color=8dc73f]Boomer and Duke[/color][/b][/h1] [H2]Kaitiaki Homestead, Raven HQ: Skye’s Office[/H2][/center] [hr] Chuck had stood at ease as he met the team’s leader for the first time. He had heard stories and rumors about Skye Lyons. He had asked through his network in the US military. All any of them had heard about her were vague rumors and that she was a highly competent ghost operative. She was spoken of with respect and a touch of unease. When he had been invited to join Raven Squad he had done his homework. He was a man of integrity and honor and he had oaths to live up to. He would not leave the Marine Corps for mercenary black ops that might put those oaths in jeopardy. What he had found was an organization that seemed to have ties to numerous militaries around the world but yet operated independently. He was okay with that as long as the operations were for the greater good. His research had indicated that he could trust that they would be. That worked for him because he could no longer in good conscience send men into battle under questionable orders from the Marine Corps. He was a man built to serve and protect. It was a family legacy and part of his DNA. Raven Squad would allow him to continue to do so with his canine companion at his side. Chuck was amused at Skye’s greeting. His lips curved into a lazily grin. [color=8dc73f]“Well Ma'am, I am very flattered at such a warm greeting.”[/color] He nodded acknowledgement of her compliment at passing the test and being one of the best. His amusement came from the fact that she thought he was being formal. He was standing at parade rest and had not snapped her a salute like he would have a commanding officer from the Marine Corps. He was just using the manners his beloved mother had beat into him when he was growing up. She would serve his liver for dinner if he didn’t treat a woman with the utmost respect. Chuck was pulled back to the fact that he was indeed reporting to his new commanding officer as she continued. He gave her his full attention as she continued. His face settled into more serious lines as she continued. He did have to admit that getting any information on her had been difficult and none of it could be substantiated as more than rumor. She spoke of a serious threat to their world. [color=8dc73f]“That is why I am here Ma’am. I can no longer stomach sending good men to their deaths to line the pockets of some hidden political agenda or powermonger. I am hoping I can put my skills to use here and still protect what I hold most dear.”[/color] Protecting those he held most dear was what was most important to him. His answer was formal but she was speaking of things that struck to the very heart of the man before her. His deep baritone voice with its southern drawl softened the formality of his words. He looked amused as Skye seemed to fall under Duke’s charm immediately. She noticed Duke and paid attention to him as she came around the desk. Chuck grinned and nodded as he gave Duke the hand sign to let him know that he could greet Skye. [color=8dc73f]“Yes, this is Duke. He ain't any trouble. He is very well trained.”[/color] Duke’s tail wagged harder with excitement as Skye spoke to him. He barked at Skye as if he could understand what she was saying to him and agreed. Chuck laughed at Duke’s antics. Duke leaned into Skye’s touch seeking more attention. [color=8dc73f]“Well boss, you pass the test. Duke likes you. He is a very good judge of character.”[/color] He was quite serious. If Duke had not liked her, he would have given this a test run but not felt confident in her leadership. He laughed when her comments mirrored his own. [color=8dc73f]“Thanks boss. I think I am going to like it here.” [/color] Skye had returned to business as she went back to her desk. She passed him a stack of papers, a map of the base, his room keys, and information he needed to know. [color=8dc73f]“Duke will stay with me most of the time. He doesn’t like being cooped up in the kennel. I hope that is okay. I will only put him in the kennel when necessary.”[/color] He had issues with this in the past due to military doctrine and policies. He preferred to have the canine close as well. [color=8dc73f]“As you can see he is well behaved and friendly. It helps to keep our bond and he is more useful when he is free to move around.”[/color] It kept the canine’s skills sharp. It also kept him from getting bored and into mischief. He made a mental note to check out the armory and their gear. He smiled eagerly at the mention of green space and it only being them on the island. Him and Duke would go for a run in the morning to get acquainted with their new home away from home. He made a mental note to get together with Tahlia about having Duke’s needs met. She could arrange for his food and vet check ups. His mind had been on what he needed to do next when Skye once more brought his attention back to her. [color=8dc73f]“Understood Ma’am. I look forward to helping your team. Duke and I will be ready.”[/color] He had turned to go with a wave when she told him she thought he would do well here. [color=8dc73f]“I believe we will fit in just fine.”[/color] He nodded to her as he and Duke left to go find their room first and then Tahlia. --- [center][h2] [color=8dc73f]Boomer and Duke[/color] [/h2][/center] [center][h2]Isla Langosta / Lobster Island, Colombia[/h2][/center] [center][h2]Fireteam Piranha[/h2][/center] Boomer watched as the helicopter came into land. His HUD zoomed in on the helicopter. He whistled appreciatively. [color=8dc73f]“That has to be your VIP. Those copters are not cheap or easy to get ahold of.”[/color] Boomer sent his video stream back to headquarters over the secure uplink. Duke stiffened next to him and tilted his head. Boomer focused on Duke and relaxed once he did. He had learned to pay attention to his dog. Duke had better hearing and smell and usually spotted trouble faster than he did. Boomer listened to Tahlia's report over the com. He turned his head towards the guard tower she indicated. He quietly voiced over coms [color=8dc73f]“Boomer confirms 2 down in the tower.”[/color] He listened as Taniwa reported to HQ about the VIP target. Boomer sighed as he waited for Jaguar to give him the greenlight to raise hell. The hardest part of any op was waiting for action. Duke stiffened and came to his feet. Boomer came to full alert. He gave Duke the hand sign to seek. Duke took off running. Boomer took off after him moving as quietly as his tall form could. He moved at a fast bent kneed walk that kept his firing arc smooth. He was tall enough to keep up with Duke without breaking into a full on run. He reported over the team coms. [color=8dc73f]“Boomer and Duke have contact to the rear of the compound. In stealth pursuit.”[/color] Boomer had a silencer on his gun. Duke slowed down and sat and looked ahead. Boomer knew that he was indicating people ahead. He and Duke moved like the well oiled team they were. He released his gun as even with a silencer they were not completely silent. They were still several hundred yards away from the compound. He pulled a large combat knife from the sheath on his thigh. He crept up behind a two man patrol team. He put his hand over one the guard on the right’s mouth and locked the man in place with his large hand. He pulled the knife across his throat to silence him. As he was dealing with the guard on the right, Duke leapt onto the guard on the left. His weight carried the man to the ground. Duke was savaging the man’s neck. The man was screaming. He could only hope they were far enough away that no one heard him and that his coms were not a live line. He released the guard he had taken out and hurried to help Duke dispatch the one he was keeping pinned to the ground. He used the bloody knife to stop the man’s screams. The man gurgled as he took his last breath. Boomer pulled the man’s coms off so he could listen to what was going on. He pulled off his helmet so he could hear what was being said. He listened to what was being said as he searched the bodies for more clues about the team. The men carried machetes in sheaths along their hip and were well used. They were dressed in worn fatigues and faded black shirts and combat boots. They had leather gun harnesses over their shirts. They were not wearing body armor. The men were both hispanic looking. His impression was low level guards and cannon fodder. It hadn’t taken much skill to bring them down. He was suddenly grateful for all the damn languages that the Marine Corps made him learn. He listened as the chatter on the guards' comlines was in Spanish. Boomer nodded as what he was hearing over the channel corresponded to what he had noticed of the two guards he had taken down. There was no alarm or stress in the voices he heard. The two guards had not been on an open com line. Extra guard patrols were being sent outside the compound now that their VIP had arrived. He grinned like a bluetick hound on the hunt as the person giving the guards their orders slipped up. Boomer hit his comm and reported to the team. [color=8dc73f]“Be advised additional smaller patrols were sent outside the compound to patrol now that Spectre had arrived. I repeat chatter from guards confirming Spectre’s arrival and gave up a last name. He called him Seniore Gorski.They are armed but not armored. Duke and I took out a two man patrol. Basic skills and no body armor. Guns and knives.” [/color]