[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] Pyrokinesis[/center] [color=E948FC]"Awww but Spicy, we're [i]your[/i] morons! You gotta love us!"[/color] Danni laughed as the fire ring opened, shutting behind him once he'd saunted through. He beamed at Sabine. [color=E948FC] "T'anks for lettin' me out, Beanie! Have I mentioned you look stunning yet? Cause damn, you are gorgeous."[/color] Danni turned his attention away from his bestie and scanned the field, the receding back of the Gobbler. It felt bad to kick a person while they're down, so instead he'd provide some support to Zelds! [color=E948FC] "Ya know, we should 'ave a bestie date sometime soon. I know you and Princess and… Leah are like, 'oneymoonin' and shit and t'ats totally cool! But like, idk just you and me sometime soon?"[/color] Danni threw out there. Maybe it was a little inappropriate to discuss these things at a time like this, but fuck it. He was feelin' good about this fight - they had this in the bag. Danni's tongue poked out as he focused, bringing a finger gun up to point at "Em". [color=E948FC]"I got some new music we can freestyle to, or there's a new fashion runway show we can judge horrendously or another bridezilla one-I just love the drama, ya know?- or we can try somet'in' new. [I]Bang[/i]!"[/color] Fire shot out of his fingers and slammed into the target, her clothes bursting into flames. He spun, his right hand coming out to point at the spear guy, fire already at his finger tips, but he yelped as foot caught in a loose shoelace, and a grout of fire went spiraling out instead. While thankfully no one was hurt (Thank god because honestly, Spicy would probably kill him), his pride was injured as he groaned on the floor of the training room. [color=E948FC] "Just let t'em kill me."[/color] Danni whined into the ground, ears burning from embarrassment.