[hider=Varya Chandrar] Varya Chandrar Name: Varya Chandrar Species: Elf Age: 44 Gender: Male Appearance: Varya is a elf man who stands at 175.26 Centimeters tall. His skin is a pale blue. He has chin length ebon black hair cut into a meticulously neat and tidy bob cut. He has cool dark brown eyes adorning his feminine, handsome bishounen face. His nails are painted blue, and he wears glossy black lipstick. His build is lean and toned, with visible abs, giving him a very androgynous appearence. He is obsessed with his image and loves fashion, always seeking to dress for the occassion, often favoring the colors blue or green. When traveling abroad or across the wilderness he will prioritize more simplistic tunics or tied up shirts, leggings and cloaks for practicality, and chain mail and gambeson armor for protection. In more formal or relaxed settings he prefers to dress more dapper and stylish, such as wearing suits and ties, or long billowy robes. Bio: Varya Chandrar was an Elf born in a land far to the east under a shining moon. Loyalty is a virtue near and dear to Varya's heart, and he wanted to express it in someway, hince he desired to find someone to share it with. To find such worthy people, he became a mercenary scout for hire. In order to maintain a good reputation, he made it a point to never betray his employers, no matter how much money somebody else offered, so as not to seem duplicitous or treacherous, a label he reviled. Honor is of great importance to Varya, as he would rather die than live dishonored. If he wanted to earn others loyalty, he himself must show loyalty. Varya's reputation for dutifully following orders and his skills in battle and gathering intelligence eventually reached the ears of the King of Kindeance, and an invitation was sent to Varya. Varya sees this as an oppurtunity to prove himself worthy of respect, and to the next step to find great people worthy of his dedication and service. Passives: Elf Physiology Acrobatic and Athletic Extensive Bow Training Martial Arts Training Minor Daggers, Shortswords and Hammers skills Stealth Expertise: Has practiced silencing footsteps and breathing very quietly in order to get the drop on less wary opponents Spells: Bhumidevi's Embrace: Requires skin contact with natural earth, rock, or soil, and cannot be used in high stress situations like combat. Turbo charges the benefits of Earthing, accelerates natural healing from aliments and injuries, increases stamina recovery, reduces need for food, reduces pain, thins blood, increases the quality of sleep, and lowers inflammation. The longer Varya is in contact with the earth, the greater the effects. Does not work in ultra dry soils like those found in deserts. Bull's Strength: Tremendously boosts physical strength, mimicking a mighty Bull. 2 Post Duration. Can't be used at the same time as Cat's Grace. Cat's Grace: Increases agility, flexibility, balance, finesse, hand-eye coordination, speed, and overall nimbleness, mimicking a Cat's deftness. 2 Post Duration. Can't be used at the same time as Bull's Strength. Shadow Walk: Uses Illusion magic to mask presence. Become completely invisible to normal sight, muffles sounds and quiets footsteps. 2 Post Duration Equipment: Crescent Moon: An enormous white wood C-shaped longbow with silver linings. The bow is as tall as Varya and requires great strength to draw. Family Heirloom: Silver necklace with a sapphire jewel Waterskin Butterfly swords Wooden Shield Cane Sword Warhammer Chain Mail and Gambeson armor Backpack Suitcase Compass Flint and Steel Soap Other: Varya is a Kuudere Femboy. Varya is a vegetarian [/hider]