As my life is finally in a more comfortable spot, I thought I’d run an RP here to get back into the swing of things. Problem is that I’ve had several ideas floating around in my head and can’t decide on a single one. So I thought I’d get some opinions from anyone that may be interested. Firefight on the Frontier - A Halo/Mass Effect style RP where the crew of the In Heaven’s Arms, a joint Human/Sangheili developed carrier, must work together to stop a Covenant splinter faction from activating a long hidden Forerunner dreadnought fleet and using it to wipe out all who stand in their way. Protectors of the Netherworlds - An RP based in the Disgaea universe. You will be a part of the Nethertime Support Organization, a group dedicated to supporting and aiding those in need within the many Netherworlds. Said Netherworlds will come under threat by a demonic overlord, hellbent on unifying all the Netherworlds under his twisted rule. Link to the Spirit World - A Yugioh RP where varying styles of dueling will take place. An ancient evil, sealed within the Spirit World, threatens to be released upon the multiverse, and you will be one of many chosen duelists to stop it. More casual decks are preferred, this isn’t a competitive league with Tearlaments running rampant, so use what you like, not what’s the meta. And those are my ideas. I hope I’ve interested some of you and would love to here what RP you’d like to be a part of.