[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Once gathered, the group Nellara was leading to Arcaeda was quick to depart. Provided there were no major delays, they could expect to arrive in the capital in just a handful of days. For the sake of speed, they would be taking a smaller barge that could handle just over a dozen passengers, so six of Nellara’s soldiers accompanied them as an escort. They carried with them ample supplies for a journey over double the length of what they were expecting. Once they could reach Ertiseda, near which most of Kvarr’s forces were still stationed, they would be able to take the river the rest of the way. Until then, though, they would be hiking through the mountains to the town. Kareet was no stranger to the road, as was often the life of a Seeker. Their role often had them traveling the world in search of answers, or at the very least, interesting questions. Indeed, some of the more interesting individuals she had met so far were joining in on this journey. Both Vigdis and the Humans’ leader, Zey, were excellent subjects to interview, as long as they were willing to answer her questions. Particularly once they were on the boat, it would be difficult for them to avoid her questions. When they were not available, Kolvar could perhaps be persuaded to answer questions about his people. J’eon had accepted her offer to come to Arcaeda, though part of her wished Shirik had as well. She did not know why they had even [i]wanted[/i] to go to Mythadia, but perhaps their continued association with the Humans would lead them to meet again in the future. They had only just started out on the trek to Ertiseda, having crossed to the other side of the mountain on which the Jotunheim rested. Even high up in the mountains, the air would be energizing to any Human who breathed it, which could be helpful to those not accustomed to long hikes. The Tekeri in particular traversed even rocky, uneven terrain with hardly any effort. It was painfully obvious that the Tekeri were moving at what was, to them, a painfully slow pace just to allow the others to keep up. Kareet, though, seemed more occupied with simply observing the Humans, the gear they chose to bring with them, and especially the weapons they carried.