[h3][color=thistle]Io[/color][/h3] {@breakthroughfriends} Io's brief time of inner magic study came to a close when she realized the cart had stopped, and the sake dealer Shizuka gave some sage advice to the task force. It was only after she fully returned to her body that she realized something profoundly disappointing: Shizuka (the attractive one) had shared the cart with her the entire time, while she had shut off her own senses to focus. Ironically, Io's magical planning prevented her from enacting some other kind of planning, like 'accidentally' grabbing onto him for stability as the cart went over a hole in the road, or something. She hadn't had such a critical planning issue since she was only barely triple digits in age. Io had to console herself that there would be other opportunities... Hopefully. After uncovering herself from the cart and (despite her height disadvantage) climbing up to the vantage point, she slowly looked over the town. "[b][color=thistle]The leaders. Can we easily identify them?[/color][/b]" Io's mind was on the top prize, so to speak - and she unfortunately was not studied on Varjan out-of-combat attire. "[b][color=thistle]Might be best to find them before the chaos starts.[/color][/b]"