[@WhiteAngel25] [@Estylwen] The hummed buzzing of several drones overhead irritated him. Not so much for the noise they made, but he felt they showed a lack of respect for the ruins. True explorers, [i]Archeologists[/i], always went in person. Scientists on the other hand, had a nasty habit of muddying things up. Only wanted to index everything they saw. Never truly experience it. Even while he worked for The Louvre Museum, Nick had always disliked Team Science, and stuck with like-minded individuals, such as his spouse. A lot of people assumed he picked bronze over brains, but one could argue that there's different types of intellect. He wasn't surprised that his assistant seemed to be holding back information. Nick already had an argument with his spouse, about this exact subject. He was more frustrated with the idea of being lied to over whether he was down here alone or not. Clearly he wasn't, clearly these ruins weren't ancient. So what the actual hell was he doing down here? The humming buzz was indeed audible, but not loud enough to drown out the yelling of someone in his earpiece. It didn't seem to be his assistant that was yelling, but regardless, Nick quickly yanked the earbud from his ear and clutched his ear in pain, [b]"[i]Fuck[/i]."[/b] He spoke to his assistant, not really carring if she could hear him or not, [b]"So great. Not only am I [i]not [/i]on a solo job, but now I have to babysit [i]and [/i]deal with wacky mad scientists too. What next? I'd rather have my car towed and a root canal on the same damn day."[/b] And then he saw her. The long flowing hair, the braid. She had a look about her that felt rather unnatural, [b][i]Great. A humanoid. Welcome to the story of my life that is now a Marvel Cinematic Universal train wreck[/i]. [/b] He was very prejudice in his beliefs about bodily augmentation, hell, Nick didn't even have any tattoos. His prejudice for augmentation was ironic, as he had no experience or first hand knowledge of anyone who'd undergone such advancements. But could equally spend all day bitching about how [i]scientists [/i]failed to want to explore ruins in the [i]proper[/i] manner... As the woman got closer, Nick stopped his inner complaint and yelled out, [b]"Are you with HiveMind or do I get extra target practice for the day?"[/b] [b]"Quick, the rope!"[/b] Came the little girly he'd just saved, but Nick wasn't having any of it. [b]"No. They're just hungry."[/b] Nick pushed at buttons on his watch, disregarding the girl's wishes for him to climb. He pulled out a few jerky rations and threw them in the litter's direction. He stood in silence as he watched the little critters climb all over each other gobbling up as much food as possible. He sighed, knowing full well he'd just secured their doomed fate for survival by killing their mother. Day was too long already, [b]"The mother attacked you because you're big enough to feed them all, but small enough to take on by herself."[/b] As the pups ran with the food, Nick finally saw [i]The Mask from Provadia[/i] the little girl was holding. Nowhere in any of his mission's paperwork had they mentioned Bulgaria. The Mediterranean Sea, to the average person, [i]a scientist[/i], would be too far away to make any significate or meaningful theory as to what was going on here. He'd saved a piece of jerky for himself and with a full chewing motion, [b]"And that's why I [i]love [/i]my job."[/b] Nick finally noticed the young girl's bloodied arm and turned to the cyborg that had approached, mouth still full, [b]"You a medic?"[/b]