[color=HotPink][center][h2]• Ir-Vaeri •[/h2][b]She-Who-Totally-Sticks-The-Landing[/b][/center][/color] [hr] There was nothing. A void beyond void, not even a framework. No law or thing filled this space, there wasn’t even a real concept of space- something that went against the whole concept. To have the idea of a void, there must be a basis for [i]something[/i], not even that yet existed. And then that changed. Ir-Vaeri blinked, “Wow,” the word slipped out as if drawn by some unknown force. Her body condensed into a lose figure of a woman. Like a gas held together it formed and shifted among a million colors and kinds of a space yet to be. More words followed as she looked around, “This kinda sucks doesn’t it.” The shifting Star forms in place of eyes lilted around what was among what was not til they settled on a compelling option, a scroll. With a leap and a cry she brought her form on top of the scroll. “Dibs on fundamental reality!” Divine power flowed as her form shifted, she did not stick the landing and was quite quickly rolling off. With Grace befitting her current mentality, she managed to slow her roll to a stop, right before falling off. However, that power still flowed out, connecting and creating a pattern of dizzying complexity and connection. From fundamental interactions leading to seemingly endless possibilities as a plan for existence- something that would add meaning to a void, a framework. A massive tying together of disparate concepts and ideas from before the intervention. Standing up a few muttered words came forth, “Meant to do it that way…” [hider=Summary]Ir-Vaeri comes into existence, says the line, calls everything sucky and then tries to jump onto the codex, managing to kinda roll off of it rather less than gracefully and inserts some fundamental forces and connecting things of reality both filling in new but also making sense of that before as it spreads out in the codex. Also she totally meant to do that.[/hider] [hider=MP Summary][color=HotPink]Ir-Vaeri Start: 4 -4 Bang Big End: 0[/color][/hider]