[center][b][h2]The Big Bang - Turn 1[/h2][/b][/center] The Khodex hit the surface of Galbar with the full force of Misri’s anger behind it. The moment that it made contact with the Rakshasaraja’s saliva, a pillar of grape-coloured arcane flame erupted from all around it and nearly tore the planet in half, ripping a hole in the Veil Between Spaces. Out of that hole an unimaginably dense [url=https://i.gyazo.com/9ef12f1759d86a2c74540caac1cd6059.png]cloud of smoke[/url], not unlike Misri’s, soon started to push into the Void about Galbar. Things crawled inside of that smoke. Every God and Goddess alive felt those things, they felt the uncomfortable scratching of claws against still-living vertebrae, and recoiled. The smoke invaded their unborn world, unseen hands pushing against the arcane flame of the Khodex and spreading their dark world further and further, threatening to swallow everything whole. Then the smoke touched Galbar and swallowed the Khodex – Or so it seemed, until a shockwave pushed it back. The shockwave brought with it scorching heat, uncomfortable even to the Gods themselves, and then that shockwave retracted and was re-absorbed, only for the Khodex to glow and crackle as if it was a nascent fire. And then everything exploded. An infinite amount of matter–and the physical laws themselves–spilled out into the Great Void – The force so extreme that the otherworldly smoke was all but erased as it was pushed outside of the Universe itself. The Gods didn’t just see the physical aspects of creation, though. They saw a glimpse of the uncountable timelines, fates, and souls to come, they saw blurry memories of things that had yet to happen and most of all, they felt power flood their very beings. The Big Bang felt like a split second and an eternity at the same time – a direct result of even the Gods’ minds being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information they witnessed, and by the time things settled down enough, they realised they were no longer floating in a total void, they were floating in Ir-Vaeri’s space, with the warm rays of the golden sun’s light shining down upon their backs as they stared down at what had once been a completely barren Galbar. Now, the crater formed from the Khodex’s crash was filled with a sparkling, crystalline ocean with several landmasses peeking out from under the water and massive canyons leading the way out of the crater with gentle slopes. The entire planet was shrouded in a [url=https://i.gyazo.com/50c3fe948a52e87abf0d71acb73b4ee8.png]never-ending sandstorm[/url], all of it with the exception of the Land of Origins, which was protected by the Khodex’s aura. The Gods didn’t have long to admire the view however, as they soon felt themselves being pulled down and towards the Khodex. It took no more than a second for all the Gods to crash down onto one of the islands within the Land of Origins, and it took no longer than half that time for them to realise the Codex had encased itself in a jet black, glossy cocoon, suspended in the air as if by an unseen thread. Somehow, they knew there would be no more activity from it, and that they were now free to make this virgin world truly theirs. [hider=Summary]The Big Bang has happened! Welcome to an Universe filled with countless stars and planets. Everyone has received a gift of 10MP from the Khodex of Creation, please use them wisely. Now go and create to your hearts’ content, and try not to get murked two secs into your new godly life![/hider]