[center][h1]Banshee[/h1][/center] On the bright side, the mystery fourth man on their team seemed to have finally materialized on the commnet. JAMMER's readouts flashed across her HUD briefly before Ariela shoved the display off into a corner, keeping half an eye on it as the rest of her attention focused on firing on the remaining MAs. Fortunate that this Script was running some good EW. [b]<<"Alright, good to see your ass is online, Script.">>[/b] Banshee said over comms as she delivered two three-round bursts into the head of another MA, sending it crashing to the ground. [b]<<"Goddamn AI could at least let us know about problems if it's gonna play babysitter.">>[/b] She groused, switching her attention briefly to the tactical readout. They'd done a good deal of damage so far, but there were still kinetic batteries online, and the rest of the garrison had to be waking up any second now. Watcher damn well knew what he was going, and Fallen Angel was more competent than she'd been expecting. Seemed she wasn't being totally carried by her machine after all. She was wasting time and exposing herself unnecessarily by trying to avoid fatalities, but that was a conversation for later. Before LINEBREAKER could start another attack run on the cannons, a different problem showed its face: an Arthropod. Great. A big gun on legs with point defense. Not something she hadn't dealt with before, but combined with the remaining turrets on-site, it could prove to be a problem. Watcher showed good initiative and awareness in his immediate response, and Banshee nodded to herself as she started the charging sequence on her shoulder cannon. [b]<<"Good copy, Watcher, initiating! All units, go for the other batteries, then we finish off the Arthropod! Make these maggots bleed!">>[/b] She pushed the sticks forward, and LINEBREAKER hopped over its cover, locking onto another heavy kinetic cannon and firing a fully charged laser cannon at it. With that done, Ariela had her AUG leap into the air and fire its boosters, starting to rise above the smokescreen and prepare for an attack run on the Arthropod from straight above it.