[@Lexisheeps][@Estylwen] Stella smirked softly at Nick's comment about not acting like his spouse. [b]"I was mainly teasing earlier. I could see that if someone loved another, how they wouldn't want their spouse to work for HiveMind. I am Stella. Thank you for the jerky distraction earlier."[/b] She said as they got closer to the crypt. Stella's blue eyes began to glow slightly as her eyes started to spot differences in the environment. [b]"This is incredible. Pieces of a lost culture, preserved by the forest."[/b] Stella commented as she paused when they got to the crypt door. She put #3 down as Nick tried to offer the pup in exchange for the mask she held. Stella began to sketch and take notes of the symbols and what she saw. She gently picked up a mask that was similar to #3's. [b]"Nick, I don't think you need to trade your new pet. Look at this. There are a few dozen of them within a ten-meter radius,"[/b] Stella said as she handed him one of the intact masks, careful not to disturb the graves too much. She heard #3's comment about how the orb feels sad. The young woman looked at the orb and her mouth dropped open in slight shock at the realization. [b]"That's because it's a memory AI. Someone preserved their consciences in that orb. Incredible."[/b] Stella murmured as she walked towards the stairs in a cautious manner. [b]"This place seems to be like what was their tomb mausoleum. Basically, everyone that passed away in their culture was buried here,"[/b] she explained while she walked further into the crypt towards the stairs. Stella's eyes flickered to the steps of the stairs to determine which path had been the most traveled. While both paths were well used, she chose to go to the right.