[h1][b][i][color=aba400][center]Maximillian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1107862430182297690/Max_Header.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=aba400][b]Location[/b][/color]: Space Station > The Moon [color=aba400][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation) [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1072256323997151362/Screenshot_20191006-040735_Instagram.jpg]Current Outfit: Header Image[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Max sat down on the moon's surface, taking in the view of Earth from above, watching the world he's tried defending so many times from a vantage point he'd never seen before. He squinted his eyes, trying to see the Ley Lines that were composed of the spell that guarded over their planet. The reason for the Sanctum's placements and why the job of the Sorcerer Supreme was so vital. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could see the spell from up here. Maybe it was just the fatigue of everything that had happened, maybe his eyes were tired, or perhaps they weren't visible from this distance. Max didn't know. He placed his hands behind himself, tilting his head back and looking up at the vast expanse of darkness. He closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. [Color=aba400]"That should be a good enough rest for now. Let's try this one more time."[/color] Light was swallowed up around him as a black hole wrapped itself across his body before he was teleported back into the hallway where he'd just been. Cold air seeped into the hall and blew towards the others as the winds knocked past him. His shoes squeaked as he tried to keep his footing, sliding back and into Neil's arms for a moment as he tried to get his bearings. [Color=aba400]"I leave you guys for one minute and suddenly there's a tornado in the base?"[/color] He said with a grin before he began to weave a spell. His motions were off, the wind buffering his arms this way or that as they threw off the somatic components to the spell. [Color=aba400]"I call upon the Whirling Winds of Watoomb to send you back from whence you came"[/color] Max called out towards the air that rushed at them. It felt a little silly to be speaking to thin air, but he needed to in order to change its direction or break it up entirely. Winds spread from his hands, green mists that tried to fight against the oncoming blasts but were quickly blown away. He tried once more, this time with a bit more conviction, making it further past where his previous attempt had let him. But still the spell faltered against the might of whomever was creating these winds. [Color=aba400]"What in Limbo is making these winds? No matter. No matter the danger, no matter the dread challenge that awaits me…I…must go forth."[/color] Max tried to press forward, looking back towards Neil and then to Jaclyn, wondering if all three performed the spell together if they could combat the forces. He could feel the reservoir of magic within Neil, it was nothing like his own, yet still every drop helped when facing foes stronger than yourself.