[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=pink][center]Seraphina Cedergren[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b5/f3/d6/b5f3d6b2175160a721bd481b25d4ffde.gif[/img][/center] [i][center]Location: Atlantis [/center][/i][i][center]Skills: Hydrokinsis[/center][/i][hr][hr] [color=pink]"Im sure that the camp will be fun, those already sound like great activities. Yet probably more...dangerous I bet than usual."[/color] Demigods must have turned normal fun game activities into more dangerous stuff. Like a part of training for the real world since they'd have to go against monsters wherever they traveled. That was still something she'd need to get used to if she ever decided to go out on a mission again after this. Who knows if things would get harder or easier for her from here on out. She hoped easier but was doubtful. [color=pink]"Yeah, some sleep would be good right about now.... We both need some rest, even if its not a whole lot."[/color] The young girl wasn't sure if she could sleep after what went down. It just felt like a dream, yet she knew everything was all real. Nothing was a fantasy. Sera took the last few bite of her food and got up to follow her father out of the dining room, staying alongside Kiera as they where shown to some rooms that they could rest in for the night.