[h2][color=bfb5f1][center]Robert Linden[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/78/d9/ae/78d9ae61ace4db40e120e1a368748735.jpg[/img][/center] As Mary finished boiling the water away, Rob ran over to the computer and quickly put the dehumidifiers up to max to counteract the fact that she had just turned this entire floor into a sauna, rapidly super-heated steam being sucked into the air-vents to have the moisture recycled into the resevoir. He looked at the others as she walked out into the hallway. He was the first one into the hallway after her, he put his hands up to the others, a look of total and utter fear across his face [color=bfb5f1]"STAY BACK!!!"[/color] He looked at her talking to the boy who had made all of the water and then to the others [color=bfb5f1]"That's not your friend in there anymore, that's something VERY dangerous and we are all in mortal peril. We have got to make our way, VERY slowly away from here and to whatever ship you have, because if she decides it, we're all going to be dust within seconds..."[/color] He said. [color=bfb5f1]"Trust me, don't trust me, think i'm one of Magneto's stooges all you want, but you weren't there... You didn't see what that... What that thing did to Professor Grey... How many people it made her just... Vaporize... No warning, no mercy."[/color] He thought back to all those years ago... over at her and smiled, trying to keep the illusion that he wasn't afraid of what it would do the moment he turned his back. He remembered the burning... The Fire... [h3]9 years ago[/h3] Rob had had quite the day at Nasa. 2 years since Master Mold's attack had taken Asari from him, 2 years it had been just him and Jasmine and the nanny he had hired to look after her. He was living in Yonkers at the time and had been working in New Jersey that day, checking on the manufacturing for one of their new Satilites. He was hoping to swing by Annandale-on-Hudson on the way back, trying to see if Professor Logan was in one of his old favourite bars, try to catch up on it. His old Buick attracting the novelty of a 60 year old car. He was just driving through one of the suburbs towards the bar when. A bright flash in the sky, a large fireball, a meteorite? Either way, it touched down in a park near him. In order to drive, he had to focus on the adamantium keeping his spine in check, but acting on instinct, he put on the hazards, turned off the ignition and jumped out of the car, running into the park, he grabbed a metal trashcan, and absorbed it, getting a new alluminium coating over his body. As he ran through the treeline, he ran into the park, seeing the flames, the destruction, civilians running away, turning to ash as they did so and he saw her... Tall, Inferno Red Hair, black, red and yellow costume, slowly walking forwards, her beautiful face twisted into an enraged sneer. "Pro... Profes-ssor Grey?" He shook. Rob wasn't a coward, he had faced down powerful foes before... But... The casual brutality of this, the utter barbarity... He stood there, paralyzed by fear... He... He couldn't do this... He couldn't just charge into battle, especially not against such overwhelming odds. As he saw the fire burning in her eyes, just casually disintegrating another man who broke cover to escape her wrath, he seemed to black out, everything went... Fuzzy, the next thing he knew, he was in the car driving at 80mph down a country road, he looked in his wingmirror to see a bright light lighting up the evening sky. He knew that an epic battle was going on back there, but all he could think was the need to get back to his daughter and be there to protect her when that... When that monster came for them... Came for all of them... [h3]Now[/h3] That thing had made him feel powerless on that day... He found out later when he had talked to Professor Logan and Summers that it had been a creature called Phoenix. But he had ran that day and had survived. He had no reservations about running on this day too, but this time, there was no Professor X or Logan or Storm coming to rescue them. The only way these kids were getting out of this one was with his help. [color=bfb5f1]"I'm not playing around with you kids. If you want to live, long and happy lives, we need to get away from that thing that has taken your friends body for a joyride."[/color] He seemed to turn around and put himself between the others and Mary. [color=bfb5f1]"I bet you don't even remember my face..."[/color] He mumbled under is breath.