[hider=Judgement][h3][color=964B00]Maverick Maddison Maximiliano Majere[/color][/h3][h3][color=964B00]Location: Majere Estate[/color][/h3] To him it was a dark and stormy night. Mav felt that something was off but couldn’t place why it was. He knew he messed up; however, something deeper was happening and he could feel it. Perhaps this was part of the messages he was getting from his power or due to his abilities. Eyes were always on him and he knew that he had no real friends. Just puppets with masks which surrounded him. Earlier he had shown his true feelings to Gideon which was probably part of the bad feeling he was getting. Gideon was more of a glorified babysitter. Always trying to make sure that Mav didn’t get into too much trouble. He had failed at the library but that was because he wasn’t there. A misstep in his evaluation of his young master. Gideon never showed displeasure in his duty. It was just another day for him to prove himself. Some would call him close to being a robot due to his cold reactions and calculations. Focused he drove and his eyes seemed to scan all over. It was as if he were assessing every possible interaction the young man would have. Which was partially true. It didn’t take long to get home or that is how it felt. Mav didn’t recall most of the drive but knew something was brewing within his home. [color=654321]‘His home?’[/color] His thoughts came out as he looked at it. It was a strange thing because his mother was not related to him. She came after his mother died during childbirth. It was strange because when he asked about it she seemed to have already been married to his father. Something that his mind couldn’t wrap around. Marriage with one person was already a challenge but to have more than one. He let out a sigh as he opened the door. As he rose he could feel pressure coming from the establishment that he called home. One of the few towering buildings in this kingdom. Some didn’t know that these buildings had bigger complexes underground. That is where they were headed. All the pomp and circumstance just to punish him. Seemed right though but it didn’t matter to him. He took in a deep breath and let it out, doing so a few times before his feet allowed him to move. They took the dissension chamber to get to the correct floor. Once inside someone announced his arrival and he walked in. His body seemed to be on auto pilot as he moved to a podium. The room was dark until he stood on it. Once he did, a column of light fell upon him from above. His hands were wet, cold and clammy. He didn’t want to look up but with effort he did. Once he did he noticed his mother and father sitting high above him. They looked down upon him as if in an old style courtroom. Judging from the distance they had to be a floor above him. This room was probably made from two or three floors itself. His parents had similar pillars of light revealing them up above. He waited for them to speak. The silence made his insides turn however he fought it down. It seemed like forever until his father spoke. [color=712400]“You stand accused of smearing our family name and ogling. Ogling was something I found out of character for even you. I never thought one of our family would do so willingly and openly. Furthermore, you flaunted your abilities within the Library. Within the city.”[/color] His father took a moment to calm himself down with a breathing exercise. With that Mav waited. He didn’t speak or move. [color=712400]“Furthermore, you ogled Darla Drake of the Drake family.”[/color] His father’s voice was wavering and almost rising into a yell. However, he stopped himself as he looked at his son. Were Mav paying attention he would have noticed that his father was looking to his left away from his mother. However, he did not. [color=712400]“Speak.”[/color] His father commanded as the knot in Mav’s throat tightened. [color=964B00]“I did those things. However, ogling was more of measuring. As you know I sell female products which assist in relieving back pain due to excess mass on the chest. I felt that as someone who sells those products that I would offer her a few free samples. Furthermore, I was trying to make a friend and didn't realize that my actions had the opposite outcome.”[/color] At first Mav’s voice broke up as he tried to speak but it became clearer as he spoke, as he focused on the truth. [color=964B00]“Furthermore, I have proof that I was being used.”[/color] He noted as he pulled out his device. [color=764c48]“Proof! What proof?!”[/color] Yelled someone in the shadows. However, the voice was manipulated so that they sounded strange. Like many voices overlapping. As the light popped on it showed someone wearing a hood and hiding their form. This person probably didn’t know of the redundant systems and sandboxes held within his device. Neither did Darla. Then again she probably didn’t care and just wanted to use this as an excuse to get money or use him in some way. [color=712400]“Show us.”[/color] His father commanded as the person next to him looked at him. Mav couldn’t read the expression but baffled was one that came to mind. [color=964B00]“As mother can verify, I do not like massive mounds. I only see them as a burden to those with them. This is why I created a bra to reduce the stress caused by large breasts.“[/color] Maverick stated as he placed his device on the podium. Once he did, it injected the video into the room's system. As he did the details of the events played out. The device even picked up what was whispered under Darla’s breath. This was enhanced so that clear audio could be heard. [color=964B00]“Did I look? Yes. However, what she did was unjust and unbecoming.”[/color] Maverick started as he held onto the podium as if trying to gain strength. [color=964B00]“What woman reveals more cleavage to someone she doesn’t like? To someone that she thinks is a pervert?”[/color] Maverick asked as he looked at his father. At this point Maverick was mad. His father was always looking for a reason to remove him from the family. The crazy son who “hears the words of the divine.” [color=964B00]“Do you see how the other females react?”[/color] Maverick pointed out as they cover themselves and shy away. Marduk Mack Marcus Majere sat crushing his chair’s armrests with his hands. Maverick could overhear this noise and was going to look away. However, at this point he didn’t care. Both father and son were seething with rage. However, Maverick didn’t know where his father’s rage would go. [color=964B00]“I hereby offer a solution. The Drake family pay for all damages to the Library and offer an in person public apology. However, I doubt that Darla would do such a thing considering her twisted personality.”[/color] Maverick offered as he stood there waiting for a response. Which didn’t take long as the Drake family representative stood up. [color=764c48]“THIS IS DOCTORED! THERE IS NO WAY THIS OCCURRED! FALSE INFORMATION!”[/color] They spat accusing Maverick of fixing the video. [color=964B00]“This is how Darla would react. However, she would twist the situation in a way that would actually make people believe her words. I’m lucky that a less level headed family member showed up here.”[/color] Maverick informed them as he smiled and looked at his father. At this point his mother looked at them both and placed a hand on his fathers. [color=6fcc47]“Be calm, love. Our son is right. This is manipulation, corruption, and lies. We can see the proof. What more do we need?”[/color] She asked as his father calmed down. [color=712400]“It doesn't matter. He still used the family name like it was his childhood blanket and dragged it through the mud.”[/color] Marduk informed her as he sat there thinking. All the while the Drake rep was whispering in his ear. Couldn’t be good whatever it was. [color=712400]“I will take that into consideration. However, your family is at fault here. My son did nothing bad. He informed everyone of his intentions and what he wanted to do. Furthermore, he tried to help her but she didn’t want it. We can see it on the video and well… It is overwhelming.”[/color] Marduk cleared up as he stood up. [color=712400]“As head of the house I, Marduk Mack Marcus Majere.”[/color] His father started but his wife squeezed his hand and looked pleadingly at him. He sighed as he looked at his boy. He could see the rage but also the fear in the boy’s eyes. He could always see the fear. That none believed that he got messages from the gods. Now here he stands with all the power that his family allows. [color=712400]“You are hereby exiled from the family and will be removed from the family ledger as an heir. With this you will be stripped of your names Maverick Maddison and Majere, you may keep Maximilliano as it was your birth mother’s gift to you.”[/color] Marduk Mack Marcus Majere informed his son as Maximilliano was dragged from the family estate and placed in the vehicle he arrived in. At the time his mother was crying and pleading with his father but his word was law in the household. It was usually the opposite. The evil stepmother was usually the one to poison the father and take over. However, she truly loved Mav… Maximilliano… [/hider]