[quote=@rush99999] [@Aqutanama] Can't say I'm 100% sure how your guy will fit in with the rest of the party. His support of the ban on fun would do nothing to ingratiate himself to the others. Nor will the fact that he isn't a clown. Also, why did you use Mr. The One Piece Is Real! as a faceclaim for a guy you described as 'sickly and lanky'? That's pretty much the complete opposite of what the picture shows. [/quote] He discussed the character's backstory with me in private. ^^" The tavern in question has the Entertainment speakeasy. [hr] [YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdfAAV-0zs[/YouTube] [hr] I think I'll be getting the first post of this game and the first adventure rolling this weekend! XD