[CENTER][h1][color=00a651]Chapter 1 The Murkmire Malevolence[/color][/h1][/CENTER] Our story begins in the Kingdom of Valerith, specifically in the city of Amblino, the City of the First Light. A weary Doctor make her way from the Amblino University into the City proper. Her dark bags under her eyes seem to be heavier now as the stressed Doctor continues on. A million thoughts rush through her head as she makes her way through. She snaps out of her thoughts to hear music and she looks up to see an idiotic human make the noise with an instrument in a street corner before he is tackled to the ground by the guards and promptly dragged away. A passing child asks her mother, "Mommy...? What was he doing? Why was he dragged away?" "He was doing something very evil, dear. He was trying to make music. Whatever you do, dear, Never make music like he did...!" The Academic continued on, and eventually found her way to the Grim Lodge. She enters and makes her way to the Quieter area where she can drink in peace, and she makes her order while placing a gold coin down on the counter, "...Whatever is the strongest alcohol you have. I need the drink," There she would sit for hours and drink, and eventually, when nearly everyone is gone, she could be heard talking to herself with a conflicted and frustrated sigh, "What am I going to do...?! Talking to them didn't work. Hell, I even got threatened for being arrested for telling a tall tale, but I know it's the truth. And I got caught taking matters into my own hands..." With a whimper and a thunk of her head flopping onto the bar, forehead making the noise against the wood. Her next question is muffled as she asks herself, "Am I [I]really[/I] going to have to go to the Legion of Needles and Thorns for help...?" [hr] [hider=OOC]Anyone can hear the Doctor talk to herself. No need for Perception checks. You are welcome to roll History on the Legion of Needles and Thorns. Anyone can approach her (provided they're not in their Clown Attire), and lead her into the speakeasy. ^_^[/hider] [hider=Our Quest Giver, the Doctor][img]https://5e.tools/img/adventure/KftGV/006-01-003.dr-cassee-dannell.webp[/img][/hider]