[@Gordian Nought] [hider=Results for Iota]Well, the Doctor is most likely going to pick up that the bump was intentional, but Iota is successful in seeing some of the papers she was carrying. She can tell from these papers that the Doctor isn't a Doctor of the M.D. kind. She's a Doctor of the Ph.D. kind, in the field of Archaeology. One of the papers is a familiar flyer that was posted all around the city. The Varkenbluff/Amblino Museum of Natural History is going to unveil its new exhibit: The Murkmire Stone. There is a picture of an ovoid, light green, opaque, and with a gemstone-like sheen, stone. It is covered in strange furrows. The next paper is of her notes. She can read some of the notes written by the Doctor herself. [I]"Not of any known society. No historical practices match, nor its composition," "Found it in Tomes of the Occult," "Egg of Unknown Creature. Previous records in Occult show that they are dormant for generations, until unearthed. Creature develops rapidly once unearthed. Will hatch and will be ravenous for raw meat. Grows exponentially as they feed," "Eggs are indestructible, but can be neutralized..." There are mathematical formulas regarding days and times. Eventually the solution shows that the solution found from these formulas, is the day and time when this egg will supposedly hatch: Eight Hours from Now...[/i][/hider]