[quote=@Garth] Do our characters know each other or are we just meeting for the first time? I know a couple worked on backstory or something. Also my history check was a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/25962]15[/url]. [/quote] I think you guys would be acquaintances with each other at the very least. Some of the characters have already established that they know each other/work together in their clown shenanigans, or have some sort of connections. As for the History check... [hider=The Legion of Needles and Thorns History Result]Rockmar has heard of these guys. The Legion of Needles and Thorns is basically a Thieves' and Assassins' Guild. Basically, everyone who has no qualms with murder, theft, and everything else that can be considered unlawful, dastardly, or evil, join this guild. They will take on jobs for an exorbitant fee, and they will not care about how they do things. To them, the end justifies the means.[/hider]