[Center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/392257844256440322/1167983549954138263/Black_Simple_Coffee_Landscape_Banner_20231028_202917_0000.png?ex=65501c72&is=653da772&hm=da672e95acc650204e9241009d90c2ca6b44470a316d30f6e87b09de0b229da2&[/img][hr] Location: Training Room A Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Dorian looked over at Danni from where he lay on the ground, a stupid grin on his face as he tried hard not to laugh. [Color=CC99FF]"First time?"[/color] He said jokingly before finally sitting up. He watched as the fight pressed on without him, Danni having scorched one of the members while Zelds knocked another out, Salah sat in a corner and Arsène simply gave up. [Color=CC99FF]"We won?"[/color] Dorian whispered to himself, shock taking over for a second as he tried to process what just happened. [Color=CC99FF]"We won!"[/color] He shrieked, a second wind coming on as he jumped up from where he sat and ran straight for Danni. He picked him up from the ground and spun him in a circle before pulling him into a tight hug. Several bones could be heard cracking before Dorian let go, hands on his best friend's shoulders as he stared him in the eyes with a massive smile. [Color=CC99FF]"We beat 'em! We won! On a judges team no less!!"[/color] Danni laughed as Dee spun him, bouncing up and down as soon as his feet touched the ground. [color=E948FC] "OMFG we won! It was so much fun! And it was so cool ta see everyone in t'e fight!"[/color] Danni kissed Dee's cheek and the dragged him to Beanie. [color=E948FC] "T'e mind fuckery? T'e Dome shit? I'm living for it. You're t'e bomb!"[/color] Dorian giggled before getting close to Sabine and whispered something under his breath. [Color=CC99FF]"You did such an amazin' job wit' Arsène too. Sure 'e didn't juice me back up, but 'e was so torn between doin' so or not t'at it gave us all t'e edge we needed. Poggers move."[/color] He said with a toothy smile. Danni nodded at Dorian, seconding his comments. Then Danni set his eyes on Percy and off he dragged Dee. [color=E948FC] "T'at first kick was so cool, and stealin' t'e spear from Paul was 10/10, would recommend. 5 stars, Spicy, 5 stars![/color] Danni gushed, swinging Dee around so they were hugging Percy from either side. Dorian yelped as he was pulled away from Sabine, getting closer towards Percy. His heart raced faster than before, and he desperately wanted to give his boyfriend a kiss out of the excitement. But he didn't think Perce would be too happy about it, not so publicly at least. His body flew around as Danni whipped him to one side of Percy, and they were now both hugging him tightly. [Color=CC99FF]"Oh oh! And t'e catch as t'ey tried to make it for t'e captive when everyone else was distracted? Brilliant! T'at alone gave t'e rest of us time to set up and defend. T'en again your strategic little mind already knew all t'at."[/color] [color=E948FC] "Aw, who 'as a fast lil noggin'? Spicy for t'e win!"[/color] Danni hugged hin one more time and then whirled them around to wave at Zelds. [color=E948FC]"T'e Golem is so cool! You gotta let me t'row fire at it at some point, fins how much 'eat it can 'andle! You know, stress test and all t'at! And knives, and t'e sneaky knives, I loved it all!"[/color] Dorian hadn't actually [i]seen[/i] Zelda all match. But he'd certainly felt her presence. While he couldn't exactly feel the pain of those he possessed, he could only imagine the amount of strength each hit had. Between the Daggers being thrown and a blow hard enough to cause a knock out, Dorian subconsciously began to rub his chest where his placeholder body had been hit. [Color=CC99FF]"I feel like it can 'andle quite a bit. At least we know it's punch 'as enough force to knock out a full man…or well teen. Haha"[/color] [color=E948FC] "All t'e better ta test it, right? We get ta 'ave some fun wit' it! And no danger ta settin' anyone on fire."[/color] Danni replied excitedly, his attention on his last team member. [color=E948FC] "And t'anks for savin' me from the psychedelic song lady. You've been in me long enough for me ta see it if I t'ink about it long enough. Slidin' around phantom style like my life depends on it, and it tots did, I couldn't ask for a more kick ass partner."[/color] Dorian blushed and looked away from Danni and the others. [Color=CC99FF]"It was not'in' really. I feel like I didn't contribute as much. No maimin' meant no swordplay and no swordplay left me at a severe disadvantage. So ya know, possessin' was all I could do at least."[/color] He said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. [color=E948FC] "And did you do it? Yes you did, my lil Hauntling."[/color] Danni pinched Dee's cheeks. [color=E948FC] "Kickin' ass and takin' names, and we did bot'! Onwards to the CO test for real!"[/color]