[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995827909208051782/1104999229904125952/Avaloa.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/lzy9BpK.png?1[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Morning [color=gold]Location:[/color] Port Vanarosa [color=gold]Interactions/Mentions:[/color] Arlen [@SilverPaw] [color=gold]Equipment:[/color] A set of sturdy clothing, the wonky ring of disguise that enlarges the ears of the user, and his dog tags.[/center] [hr] Ismael took off his cloak and tunic that had a large slash and took a shirt from one of the men who was taken out in a less than gruesome way and put his shirt on. [color=gold]"Yeah, it'd be nice to see something other than the dark alley. I think getting something to eat would be nice"[/color]. Once Ismael had put on the new shirt and his cloak once more, he collected whatever of value he could get and then put it into a bag before he slapped Arlen on the back. [Color=gold]"Come on, we don't wanna get caught up here"[/color]. Ismael laughed before he continued, [color=gold]"I think I saw a place a ways away where Tanathil had taken me to shop, that puts some distance between us and here"[/color]. Ismael then began to do a light jog before he hit the street and then began to walk, trying to look normal while also keeping a solid and slightly quick pace. Because no matter what, something was gonna be happening soon and he did not want to be caught up in the aftermath of them fighting in the alley. [hider=Tldr]Ismael finishes checking the bodies, changes his shirt with another cleaner one, disposed of the bodies, and starts having them move to another part of the city to find something to eat[/hider]