[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f9bqQL2.png[/img][h1]Jennifer Caspin[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/K8f1fGj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7Zopqau.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Ophrenia ([@silvermist1116]), & Charlie ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]Road To The Old Black Manor.[/code][/b][/right][hr] Despite the threat, Jen's mouth went open as she shot back, "I wasn't even talking about you; how about you kiss my a-" [color=Mediumorchid]"... Let's keep it in your pants, ladies,"[/color] Lily replied with a roll of her eyes - with all the weird shit going on out here, these idiots have nothing to do but try and tear each other's hair out. At the same time, Lily would have loved to see that any [i]other[/i] time; she wanted to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. The smell of weed on her clothes permeated through the rest of the van, but did Lily care? Not one bit. What was on her mind was the sudden rain storm, and as she sat in her chair, she quickly glanced at her cell phone, then the weather app. It still said that it was bright and sunny.... then again, the internet out here was god awful, but that didn't explain how sunshine went to rainstorms in the blink of a goddamn eye. Lily just rolled her eyes as she stepped out of Jennifer's van (she was likely the sole reason why Jen wasn't getting back her security deposit). The rain hit Lily's hair and soaked it, and she knew that her dreads would be in desperate need of retwisting by the time she got back to San Antonio. She walked over to Charlie and Ophrenia as they discussed whether or not to climb the fence. It didn't have barbed wire at the top, so getting over it was easy. It was evident that Ms. Tea and Crumpets never did anything "street," but the New Yorker was more than willing to help her! Lily walked over and gave Charlie a little tap on the shoulder as she stepped past her and teased, [color=Mediumorchid]"[i]Maaaaaami![/i] You know you'll have a hard time getting over that fence with all that junk in the trunk!"[/color] Lily laughed as she put one foot ahead of herself, placing all her weight on her back leg, and bolted. Once she got in range, she jumped and grabbed the top with both hands, throwing her right leg over the fence and hooking her heel over the top. Lily then gracefully dropped down... and then looked down and saw that her Adidas sweatpants were ripped. [color=Mediumorchid]"Awwww fuck, I[i] just[/i] got these!"[/color] Lily shook her head as she grabbed onto her pants and shook her head. She looked up and saw that Jennifer had vaulted the gate by sticking her hands and feet through the holes and dropped down the other side. Lily turned her head and quickly took off her backpack and dug out the flashlight as if she was [i]not[/i] going to have her cell phone get drenched (nor kill the battery). She shined it ahead and asked Jennifer, [color=Mediumorchid]"Straight ahead, Jen?"[/color] "Y-yes," Jennifer answered. [color=Mediumorchid]"Then let's go! My dreads are getting [i]drenched,[/i]"[/color] Lily placed one foot forward and then allowed Jen to lead the group (who had a flashlight of her own). Hopefully, if a swamp bear or something attacked them, it would attack from the front and let their [i]fearless leader[/i] take the brunt. Lily felt the mud squish against her feet, but fortunately, she had on some Timberland hiking boots just for this occasion. Jen had her flashlight facing the front, while Lily was scanning the sides of the woods... Then she came to an abrupt stop, tilting her head to the side as she said, [color=Mediumorchid]"... What. [i]In. The.[b] FUCK?[/b][/i]"[/color] Lily's flashlight landed on a strange sight in the swamp, [url=https://i.imgur.com/IfP2NHN.jpg]a strange humanoid deer thing[/url] that took motionless in the swamp, like some macabre statue made of pulsating flesh that went into the swamp water. Lily had no clue if it was dead or not - but she was sure as hell hoping it was! [color=Mediumorchid]"Yooooooo, what the fuck? I seen a lotta' shit, but I ain't [i]eva'[/i] seen some shit like that?"[/color] Lily was briefly brought back to their conversation about twenty minutes ago about the glowing jar. She was hoping that this was not another thing. "Yeah, um...." Jennifer looked to the side. "Let's... keep moving." There was also a deer following behind the group, trailing far enough behind not to be noticed but close enough to keep the group in their sights...