I have a spot for a list of the Houses as we establish them. The Nobles will probably be as needed, since they'r not important right now, and there are a lot more of them. I have it written that there are ten main Ruling Houses, so ten territories each with their own royal city. What races do we want? These are my votes: 1. Elemental Mage (still going with that for your guy?) 2. Djinn 3. Werewolves 4. Vampires 5. Fae (if you're on board, theirs could be set up like their lore regarding who fully rules Faerie being passed between the Summer and Winter courts. That, or both Seelie and Unseelie have a representative) 6. Orcs/Giants 7. Let's leave a spot open for a world-specific race, shall we? 8. Warlocks 9. Some sort of reaper-like race. I'd want to look up other creatures that actually feed on humans, too, beyond the classics. Thoughts? Suggestions?