[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231002/750d656ea58ae567f6123fc653b40dc7.png[/img][/center] [color=yellow][i]"Greetings, Otherworlders! Welcome to Vecta. Today, your lives begin anew.[/i][/color] The Hamadryad turned to look at the very pretty lady approaching them. She gave her wings some more flaps, and managed to hover slightly, but floated back down to the ground again. She was still not used to having wings. Guess she'd talk from down here, then. [color=5DBEAD]"What were we summoned here for?"[/color] she asked the woman. [color=5DBEAD]"Is there anything we need to do? Where are we?"[/color] She couldn't shaken the growing discomfort and unease she was feeling. Something was very off. There was something she had to do. Was there a way she could find out? She had been isekai'd to fantasy world, right? Maybe there was a menu or stat screen? She concentrated, and tried really hard to summon a menu. Mo luck. She swiped up and down with her left and right hands. Still nothing. Maybe it needed a verbal command. [color=5DBEAD]"Menu. Stats. Status. Menu, open. Open menu. Open status. Status, open."[/color] Suddenly, one popped up in front of her eyes. Success! She looked through every window with the goal of trying to learn as much as she could. [quote=STATUS][code]>> [SUMMARY] | SKILLS | MAP | INVENTORY Name: __________ Race: Hamadryad Level: 1 Stats: [*]Strength [*]Magic [*]Defense [*]Resistance [*]Luck Active Effects: ALL STATS AND ABILITIES LOCKED UNTIL RACIAL CRITERIA ARE FULFILLED; NATURE BOUND[/code] [code] >> [SKILLS] | MAP | INVENTORY | SUMMARY [*][RACIAL TRAIT - Nature Bound] As a Hamadryad, your soul is bound to a a singular tree. As the tree grows, so do you. The bigger and stronger the tree becomes, your power too will grow. Should you or the tree be cut down and die, the other will fall soon after. [*][Charm (Passive)] - LOCKED You possess a unique gift to win over others. People are naturally drawn to you and are more likely to agree to your requests. [*][Camouflage (Active)] - LOCKED Being nature spirit, nature is like a second skin to you. When activated, you can naturally blend into the terrain around you. Try this in a forest! :) [*][Atlas (Passive)] - LOCKED Your desire to become strong has manifested itself! You have increased strength in comparison to other members of your race. [*][Nature’s Might (Active/Legendary)] - LOCKED Your incredible strength mixes with your Hamadryad ancestry to create a powerful combo. When in the presence of nature (I.e. Grass, Trees, Flowers, etc) you can draw upon their strength to briefly enhance your own strength and magic![/code] [code] >> [MAP] | INVENTORY | SUMMARY | SKILLS LOCKED[/code] [code] >> [INVENTORY] | SUMMARY | SKILLS | MAP [*] [*] [*][/code][/quote] So that was it, huh? As a Hamadryad, she needed to bond to a tree. She thought about this. Her life energy would be bonded to that tree, so it couldn't be a tree that might get cut down. But it was a fair assumption that she'd get this same feeling of unease if she ventured too far away from it, so it couldn't be too remote. Also, that tree would likely serve as her home, and a lengthy commute to and from civilization sounded tedious. But she didn't want to pick a tree in the city as those likely already belong to people, and she'd never get peace or quiet anyway. And it definitely needed to be a young tree to maximize her lifespan. She had no intention of dying young a second time. She would search the outskirts her her perfect tree after this business was rapped up, whatever they had been summoned for. Then again, it didn't need to be besides this city. Getting the perfect tree was important. While it was a priority, she definitely shouldn't rush the choice. She also needed a name. She thought her ability to name characters was pretty good, so let's see. She was a small fairy, in a fantasy world...let's go with 'Oriel'. She selected her name field, and a keyboard came up, letting her type in her name. [quote=STATUS][code]>> [SUMMARY] | SKILLS | MAP | INVENTORY Name: Oriel Race: Hamadryad Level: 1 Stats: [*]Strength [*]Magic [*]Defense [*]Resistance [*]Luck Active Effects: ALL STATS AND ABILITIES LOCKED UNTIL RACIAL CRITERIA ARE FULFILLED; NATURE BOUND[/code][/quote] [hr] [hider=QUEST/SIDEQUEST] Primary Quest(s): Nature Bound - INCOMPLETE Sidequest(s):[list][*]Name character - COMPLETE [/list] [/hider] [hider=INVENTORY] Equip:[list][*] [*][/list] [/hider]