[color=gray][indent][right][h1][color=983c34]Ripley Lennox[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=9d362f]Mentions:[/color] Clarissa ([@Crusader Lord]) [color=9d362f]Location:[/color] Byjerlfal City Industrial District[/sub][/right][hr] [/indent][indent]Now [i]this[/i] was more like home. As Ripley and his psychic companion ventured after the flock of Murkrow, they happened to travel into what one would only assume was a more industrial section of Byjerlfal - and that it was. The scenery transformed as they moved onward, turning into something more similar to the busy, machinated hotspot that was Rip's hometown, Rivenwall. Eventually, they drew to a stop as the path ahead became not-so-clear. Their target seemed to have evaded them, but there were options. A set of friendly-looking alleys lay before, but so too did a cafe. The Wailord's Rest - seemed cozy enough. Ripley's eyes were drawn to Sir Lopsalot as the small rabbit-Pokémon gestured down the alleyway towards what they could only assume was their quarry. Or something like it. Ripley peered down the alley, looking for any sign of what may be waiting for them, to little avail. He proceeded to listen as Clarissa spoke. He himself wasn't too concerned about the safety of the alley - how bad could it really be? They had their partner Pokémon to help protect them, anyways! Either way though, Rip was more than content with deferring to whatever path Clarissa wanted to take first. Afterall, there was a big journey ahead of them, and the first city they came across was not likely to be the most exciting bit of it. Plus, once Clarissa was busy with her super-star friend, Ripley would have the run of the place to himself to do whatever he thought he missed. [color=983c34]"Hmmmn.."[/color] He hummed, shifting a hip to one side. [color=983c34]"The cafe sounds good to me! Who better to ask than a local, I guess!"[/color] He replied as he started to step happily towards the front of the Wailord's Rest. [color=983c34]"Maybe they have something interesting on the menu, too!"[/color] Zorua's eyes gleamed in delight at the mention of food as it scurried around the duo of trainers in excited circles. [/indent][/color]