[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kKxTzUb.png[/img][/center] [hr] Nabi, satisfied that she was no longer in imminent danger of being assaulted by the water mage, returned to her previous stance, with her sabre at the ready. In her left, a small glow was beginning to form in her palm - those familiar with magic would recognise it as the beginnings of a pyromancer's magics. Nabi had yet to determine precisely [i]which[/i] spell she would conjure, but the energy was now on-hand, and ready for action. She felt a slight wave of discomfort wash over her as she did so - a familiar feeling by now - but one word stopped her cold. [i]Wraiths.[/i] A shiver ran down Nabi's spine, and she fought back a feeling of immediate panic. She was... at best unused to fighting such beings, at worst almost a complete novice. Though she knew at least they were easily-disrupted by magic, that was only somewhat cold comfort when one was bearing down on you at the rate of knots and you were trying to stammer out a spell to avoid their wrath. She vastly preferred foes that weren't only mildly-inconvenienced by a sabre cut through their torso, but one rarely had the chance of picking your enemies - especially as a near-stranger in a foreign land such as she was. However, the critical elements were now known to Nabi: an as-of-yet-to-be-determined-number-but-at-least-four wraiths, and one summoner, who may well have either lost count of them in a blind panic (to be fair, being attacked by witch hunters [i]does[/i] do that to a person, Nabi thought to herself), or worse, had lost control of them. Suffice to say, the latter option was distinctly [i]less[/i] appealing to Nabi than the former, as at least a summoner could be talked down from a situation, whereas wraiths running wild meant that they would likely have to deal with each of them in turn, and deal with them [i]permanently[/i]. Well, as permanently as one could when it came to wraiths, anyway. [b][color=#000000]"The longer we wait, the more damage wraiths can do. We should move as soon as we're able... I'm ready if everyone else is."[/color][/b] As if to emphasise her point, a small ball of flame burst into life in Nabi's palm, radiating a small amount of heat, but harmless.