[quote=@Eviledd1984] I can change the cause of death of if you like. [/quote] I think NoCo was more asking whether you were opting out of the RPs schtick of having the actual reincarnation determined by the GM, namely because you wrote down he'd be reincarnating as a Morai. That whole GM choosing what you reincarnate as thing was entirely optional if memory serves, so it's probably fine if you are opting out of it. On the topic of cause of death, I don't think that's likely to be an issue (though I'm not NoCo obviously) – we already have a few characters that died in some flavour of workplace accident after all, so as long as you have some idea of how to write said workplace accident for your opening post, I can't see that being a problem. Also since you didn't seem sure on your sheet, the second appearance header on the character sheet is for what your character looks like after reincarnating not before, since all the characters are being dumped into new bodies upon reincarnation. If you end up changing your mind and going with GM assigned race, just leave it alone until you've had said race assigned, otherwise it's probably fine to just find an image. If you're still not sure how it's meant to be done, maybe take a gander at the CS tab to see how other people have done it.