[h3][color=gold][center]Jaclyn [i]"OfAll"[/i] Chreyz[/center][/color][/h3][center][img]https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-ta-kaiya-blaney-267392_small.jpg?1631024853[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=gold][b]Location[/b][/color]: Asteroid M [color=gold][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic[/center] [hr][hr] [i]'What next?'[/i] OfAll thought as something formed in the middle of the winds, and then-- Max!! No worse for wear. Her heart lightened, despite the overcast she still felt. She watched -and heard- as Max tried to combat the winds with magical ones of his own, but it didn't seem to work. She caught his look. After what'd just happened, was he actually expecting to circuit again? Like the winds around them, a question swirled in OfAll's mind, one that came into it a few moments ago; Max's present disposition possibly answered it some. Possibly not. Pietro went off with Bethany and Guin, and by Lance's words, the rest of them would be doing their best to hold firm until those three managed to "shut down" the winds up ahead. If one mutant was enhancing another, OfAll had a fair feeling the other probably wasn't intending to be doing what they presently were. Especially as they couldn't see them, what reason would they have to blast wind down a hallway? Unless it was something of a knee jerk response to the prior explosion, but it still seemed reckless. And, despite Magneto's words, "reckless" sounded like an apt moniker for this Cortez guy, at least. In any case, OfAll hoped Pietro, Guin and Bethany could stop things peaceably. There were already enough face-offs for one day, though they were pretty much 0-for-X. And if the rest of them were just essentially waiting, it seemed an advantageous time to ask that question of hers: [color=gold]"Max, is it just portalling that's dang--" [/color] Since she was keeping her arms to her back, all OfAll could do to shield her face was look away from the wind. As such she didn't [i]see[/i] the tornado coming so much as she realized she was having to raise her voice above the wind more -realized by the intensifying sound that it was growing, still. And [i]then[/i] she squinted through --and in the next instant was whipped violently down the hall a few feet before banging into a corner of the ceiling and falling to the floor, the rest of the wind washing over her. Those telltale words rose into her mind: [i]'Welcome to the X-Men. Hope you survive the experience.'[/i]