[center][img height=200 padding=5]https://i.postimg.cc/YSZ8t8LS/Seo.gif[/img][/center] Mentions: N/A Interactions: N/A Location: Alcatraz Island; AEGIS Complex, Recreation Wing - Dorm Room [hr][hr] [justify]Seobin had smiled after his interaction with Libby. There was more to her than others would spend time uncovering. She was interesting, and he wondered if he would get more chances to pick her brain and see how things worked. The fight between a girl and a boy did not go unnoticed, but he didn't wish to concern himself with such things. Instead, as soon as the explosion occurred, he waited for the incoming of the guards which was bound to happen given the severity of the issue. Shortly after, they were escorted to their dorms, the place they'd be sleeping while there. Entering into the room, Seobin looked at the bed. He trailed a stiff finger across the comforter. Nothing of his had been confiscated, and the room only contained the luggage he'd arrived with. Everything was in its place. The atmosphere in the room was inviting, but it wasn't home. As he sat on the bed, his mind wandered to his son. The sleepless nights waking up to his son crying wanting to be fed, changed, or something more complex. The nights he sat up with him rocking him and singing him a song that he knew probably sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but for whatever reason his son would drift off to sleep in his arms, and shortly after he would drift off in the embrace of his bed. Being without him was tough, but he remained strong. He was doing this for him, for a better future, to provide for him. He wondered if he could send a letter to his father to see how things were. For now, he needed to wrangle in all of the emotions he'd felt in the single day he'd been at the facility. There were so many names to remember, and yet he hadn't spoken to a single soul except Libby. Was he there to make friends? Was it dangerous to do so when he didn't know what they were there for in the first place? Sitting in the middle of the floor, he closed his eyes and allowed his body to become weightless.[/justify]