[h2][color=bfb5f1][center]Robert Linden[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/78/d9/ae/78d9ae61ace4db40e120e1a368748735.jpg[/img][/center] As everyone funnelled past his attempt at self sacrifice and several of them berated him for his concerns that people were dismissing the fact that an unstoppable force of purest death that could instantly disintegrate any of them at any moment was taking their friends body for a joyride and the ONLY one of them that seemed to actually address that fact was said girl who's body had been hijacked. [i][color=bfb5f1]"Am i the only one on this damn rock not taking crazy pills?"[/color][/i] He asked himself. [i][color=bfb5f1]"Cortez is a danger to himself and people immediately around him. Stay away from him and he's not that much of a threat."[/color][/i] He stared at Mary [i][color=bfb5f1]"That thing is so dangerous that multiple galactic civilizations have warrants out for its imprisonment and destruction because it has single handedly wiped out LITERAL GALAXIES!"[/color][/i] He stared at the others. [i][color=bfb5f1]"But i suppose that if it decides to murder us all that ground zero is probably the safest place to be. At least it's over quick..."[/color][/i] He scrunched his lips up in contemplation. He grabbed his face with his outstretched fingers and pulled down, this not stretching his skin due to the steel plating surrounding him at the moment. [color=bfb5f1]"Fine, fine, fine. Look, there is no pity-party in this. It's all, what i think we can all agree, is legitimate concern about the unstoppable god of galactic genocide and holocaust that has hijacked your friends body."[/color] He then walked towards Mary only to be electrocuted by the walls. He stopped for a second to change his skin from the steel he had absorbed to the leather and fabric from his Wheelchair. The electricity no longer effecting him as his outside was now made of non-conductive material. He then ran to walk alongside Mary [color=bfb5f1]"Might i suggest we do the sensible thing, though. The rest of us go and deal with Cortez? If he gets us and makes our powers wig out, we could hurt someone. If he makes the Phoenix's powers wig out, then it'll be quicker to list the people of this solar system it doesn't hurt. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be doing something, but there are other things that need doing and you tackling Cortez in your current condition is like trying to put out a forest fire with Petrol. I met your other friends, Carolina, Max and the others. Last time i saw them, they were running over towards an explosion. They might need your help more."[/color] He asked. Anyone looking at him could clearly see this was someone legitimately trying to keep everyone around him safe. [color=bfb5f1]"Look, you guys are Professor Xavier's X-Men. He wouldn't have sent you guys if he didn't have complete confidence in you and i'll follow your lead, but i'm just trying to help."[/color]