[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: D&D Dormitory [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1059968456998535231/1168571962449215578/image0.jpg?ex=65524072&is=653fcb72&hm=926217a86bb1f8c69941ac84d3921d1d404a0f97cca71f2a1325eed21f7aeb89&]Halloween Costume[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dorian was practically radiating as he got into costume. He [i]loved[/i] group costumes! And he loved Halloween. Of course it helps when it's your fathers birthday and he happens to be a sorcerer and protégé of The Doctor Strange. Magic and Mayhem followed suit. Their house was always decked out in decorations and even Uncle Caspers powers were more useful during this time of year. Dorian was always up for a happy haunt, and the barrage of new horror movies that lead up to the final day of the holiday. His costume this year was fairly simple. Without his father there to Magic him up a wardrobe, he had to make something a little more grounded than his usual get ups. Which is exactly why She-Ra was the perfect idea for a group costume. He had opted to go as his favorite character, [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1059968456998535231/1168571893356449812/image0.jpg?ex=65524062&is=653fcb62&hm=c867978555644ad75a2b901a11f7fbf62e7dd1483899ea9d470d112872729a69&]SeaHawk[/url]. He'd tried convincing Percy to join him as Mermista, but it didn't seem to appeal to him. He pursed his lips as he thought on that, wondering if he should've pushed a little harder. But then again he didn't want to make Perce do anything he didn't want to do, especially if it would make him uncomfortable or miserable. Dorian looked towards April as she was still putting on her finishing touches, smiling as he saw how well it was coming together. All he needed to do was put on his boots but that could be down once everyone was ready. For now he was content to laze in bed for a minute more as he pulled his phone out to text his dad Happy Birthday. It was then that he saw the notifications. One saying Sabine had posted something new, though when he saw what it was it made his stomach turn. Another was her going LIVE. He tapped on that, captions on and auto-generating as he kept the volume low so not to stress out April. Someone had hacked her account and tried to slander her name and he instantly wanted to get to the bottom of it. He typed several words of encouragement in her chat trying to fight off the hate. They knew three needs at least that could help, but could any be fully trusted? Was one of them the ones responsible for it all? Dorian didn't know, but just as he was about to throw his head back onto his pillow he heard three knocks. No one spoke, the only sound was April as she went on talking over the knocking sound asking if they were ready. For a moment Dorian thought maybe he'd just imagined it. [Color=CC99FF]"I'm ready as I'll ever be! Once I get my shoes on."[/color] He said with a bit of laughter before their dorm door was opened and Leah stood at the crack. A loud scream came out of him as he looked at her from his bed. [Color=CC99FF]"Chère ever 'eard of knockin'? What if we were naked in 'ere huh?"[/color] Looking past Leah he saw a familiar impish shadow, his boyfriend. Dorian bolted out of bed and swung the door wide open, grinning from ear to ear. He grabbed Percy's tie and gently pulled on it to move him into the room. [Color=CC99FF]"And who are you supposed to be? T'ough I love t'e tie."[/color] Fully forgetting the growing crowd outside his dorm as well as those in it.