[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LjZhMzg3Yy5UM0JvY21WdWFXRWdWMmx1YzNSdmJnLjM/got-heroin.regular.webp/[/img][/h1][/CENTER]Mention: [@Atrophy],[@Punished GN] Ophrenia didn't volunteer to be the first one over the gate. She wouldn't be surprised if the swamp next to the path would spawn a gator or something. She's not looking to be the first one to get clapped by gator teeth. Nothing happened when everyone else jumped the gate. She backed up to get a running start when Lily freaked out. She stopped and got a closer look when flashlights were aimed at the thing. What the fuck? is right. That's not...what? It looked it was alive. The shape of it showing movement, yet it was no better than a creepy statue. She wanted to call this shit quits right now, but everyone else was already over and she was on the other side alone. She got her running start, put her foot where the chain was and pushed up onto the top of the gate. She sat up there, swung both legs over the side, then slid down the bars. She wasn't looking to end up injured like Z. She caught up with the group in a few steps, double checking the chamber on her gun. She knew she put a round in there, before leaving the motel room but better safe than sorry. She switched the safety off, pulled back the fore-end, held the gun in position to lift and shot with her finger over the trigger guard. She stopped at Neko's side. "Let's go. You shouldn't put your hand in a swamp. Gator's aren't easy to spot in these waters. There could be one ten feet from your face and you wouldn't even know it." She doesn't have any experience with swamps. She's never lived this far south before, but the rain didn't help visibility. If it were clear and you looked hard enough, it might be easy to spot. In this rain? Forget about it. She continued on with the rest of the group. They went a longer way aways, Lily and Jen, being overdramatic over a dying deer. "Y'all never seen a dying deer before? You'd see them dead all the time on the side of the road in Tennessee the closer you lived to the forests. This ain't nothin'. Seen a semi hit one in my rearview once. Just went splat. Blood and guts everywhere. Worse if you're a hunter and gotta skin it and cut it up." Was she purposely trying to make them feel worse? Yes. It's funny, but she would admit that this one was odd. There were intestines? worms? something fleshy and pulsing wrapped around it. Poor thing was suffering. "Anyone got a knife, so I can put it out of its misery?" she asked. If not, then she's have to bash its head in. She wasn't fond of that idea. It was cruel to prolong the death, but it's a shorter mercy to do that than to leave it here like this.