[right][color=teal][b]In Space around the [i]'Endurance'[/i] // Deep Space // Imperial Territory[/b][/color][/right] The TIE Interceptor swung down in a lazy arc, hanging in close to the grey hull of the [i]Ascendancy[/i]-Class Destroyer. Rae Kilian turned down to her scanner, reaching across and flicking a switch to update it. It still showed no enemy contacts. On her left and right were Eleven and Twelve respectively, while on the underside of the vessel Seven, Eight and Nine were performing a sweep going in the opposite direction, fore to aft. At the edge of her scans, she picked up One to Six performing wide counter sweeps. Rae sighed into her helmet, working the pedals lazily as she glided over the hull of the [i]Endurance[/i]. Rae had been assigned to the ship two weeks ago and she still couldn't get over it. It was unlike anything- An alarm started blaring throughout the cockpit as red triangles appeared on her scanner. She flicked through her settings. One Flight was the closest, and was already swinging back around to engage while Two Flight made its burn towards them. Her comm cracked to life. [color=slategray]"Just as we practiced. One Flight, Two Flight. Move to engage, Three and Four hang back and protect the Nest-"[/color] The procedures and protocols, training and practice made it all second nature. All the pieces were already moving into position even before Major Thrace called it in. They had been drilling non-stop since they had come aboard, and now it was finally time to shoot at something living. [color=slategray]"-transmitting sensor data now. Clean comms."[/color] As the comms clicked off, she pulled up the sensor readings. Each ship had the standard TIE cockpit, with an ion engine mounted on the back. Dropping out of hyperspace, they had three wings that unlike a standard TIE curved around the central cockpit in much a similar way as a Droid Tri-Fighter. She ran her tongue over the back of her teeth and clicked in frustration. For the second time in as many weeks she was presented with another new vessel. Clicking her comm over to her flights she clicked her comm on. [color=teal]"Eleven, Twelve spread out. Divert as much power as possible, active scans. I want as much information on the incoming ships as possible."[/color] Rae could do nothing but watch and wait as the red and green blips on her array moved together and became a mess of signals. In the distance, she could see the flashes of green and red through the abyss of space. In the first volley one of the enemy ships spun out wildly before powering down. A clean kill. Whereas in the opening volley Two and Three were knocked out of the fight. She began rhythmically tapping her fingers against her leg. Her comm clicked and came to life, as the well-spoken voice of the Coruscanti came through her helmet. [color=darkgray]"Rae, they're being cut to shreds aren't we going to-"[/color] Her comm beeped as Control, Lieutenant Anders who relayed orders from the safety of the ship, came through. [color=Silver]"Cut the chatter Eleven."[/color] Rae gasped in shock as on sensors she saw the Major knocked out. [i]Always anticipate your opponent's next move, and your superior's next order.[/i] The voice of her grandfather ran through her head as she began redistributing power through the fighter. Transferring it from the sensor suite to the engines, as soon as her comm clicked again she had already pushed the fighter on. [color=silver]"Move in to engage targets Two-Ten."[/color] [i]Four Clicks out. Max range for lasers at one click, max range for a target lock one point five.[/i] She ran through the specs in her head. Flicking over to missile targetting as the six targets swung towards the [i]Endurance[/i]. Eleven and Twelve trailed her wing, while Seven, Eight and Nine were swinging around at a heavier angle of intercept. Sevens flight would get there after Rae was already in firing range, but their angle of entry would give them an element of surprise against the incoming vessels. Rae flicked her comm onto the command channel. [color=teal]"Mark trailing target as Five, lead as One. Fill in the rest incrementally."[/color] There was a signal chime to recognize acknowledgment. Her scanner screen flashed slightly as the profiles were updated. She watched as the distance continued to close between her and the hostile ships, targets four and five suddenly turned and headed towards the other flight of TIE interceptors. On the bright side that technically halved their problems. Raes targetting screen flashed green. [color=teal]"Two out, target one."[/color] [color=darkgray]"Two out, target two."[/color] [color=Gainsboro]"Two out, target three."[/color] As Rae thumbed the trigger and called her shot, she rolled the ship. The missiles lanced out toward the target in a forward spiral. Eleven mimicked her maneuver, whereas Twelve showed his inexperience and just fired as a straight shot. She drew power from rear shields to cannons, switching over her weapons. Firing in bursts towards the lead ship, still spinning fighting to keep her head centered. After all, there was only so much intertia dampeners could do. At this range the cannons wouldn't be effective, dancing uselessly off the shields. What it would do, was disrupt their targetting sensors. She watched as the range ticked down, once they got too one click she effectively hit the breaks as she pulled up. Twisting in an inverted left corkscrew. Up and over the enemy craft, bringing her around on its tail. She peppered its shield with laser fire as it duked and weaved, her missiles long forgotten. Only about half her shots hit as the enemy craft duked and weaved, as if seeing the shots before they had even been fired. [color=darkgray]"I got one on my tail!"[/color] Rae risked a look down to look at the scanner and swore under her breath. [color=Gainsboro]"I can't help you Eleven, I'm pinned!"[/color] [color=teal]"Breaking off, swinging around."[/color] She watched as the enemy craft pulled away from her. Putting on the throttle she attempted to close the gap between her and Twelve. Clicking her comms back on. [color=Teal]"Bring him to me Twelve. Right at me, manoeuvre six."[/color] She brought herself on Twelves flightpath, headed on a collision course. As he bobbed to avoid the fire from behind she weaved in unison to try and hide herself in his silhouette, it wasn't a perfect manoeuvre but if the enemy pilot was focused on his target he might [I]just[/i] miss her presence. A chime on her scanner informed her Eleven was gone. She didn't have time to glance down to determine what the numbers were. One problem at a time. Flicking to missiles, she disabled her targeting computer. Aiming straight ahead. [color=teal]"Mark."[/color] [color=teal]"Sync"[/color] [color=Gainsboro]"Sync"[/color] Only a split second in difference in their reaction times. Nodding to herself she counted down. [color=teal]"Three... two... [b]ONE[/b]!"[/color] She thumbed the trigger, two missiles launched out of the tubes. Bringing her reserves down to two. As they approached the TIE Interceptor he pulled his nose up, as soon as he did the missiles streamed past where he had been moments before. Green laser blasts follow in quick succession. Even as her shots landed, Rae saw the enemy ship duke and twist. Its shields failed, as it twisted and shook. It continued to fly straight at her, red blasts lancing out. [I]What in the hell...[/i] She started to pull up out of the plane of fire, the enemy pilot doing the same and hitting the thrusters as it did so. She winced pushing everything to her engines, twisting down to the right they narrowly missed each other before her scanner beeped indicating her target was disabled. The enemy pilot, realising he was out of the fight had tried to take her with him. No matter the cost. A quick cursory glance at her scanner revealed that there were only two interceptors remaining, to three enemy craft. Looking around in order to get a bead on her next target, her entire ship shook and powered down. [color=teal]"Sithspawn!"[/color] [hr] [right][color=teal][b]Aboard the [i]'Endurance'[/i] // Deep Space // Imperial Territory[/b][/color][/right] The mood in the hangar was sour as the pilots disembarked from their fighters. Some threw their helmets away in frustration, while others swatted away the mechanics and techs that approached them. They all made a beeline for Major Thrace who stood with his helmet under his arm, Rae could see he was still reeling from the fight however he was easily the more composed of the pilots. He stood looking at the far side of the hangar where the strange craft had landed. Rae had to repress a scoff as technicians and officers poured themselves over the 'enemy' craft. The flight pods opened, and the pilots disembarked. Off-duty pilots started to file into the hangar from the hallways, clearly having been in Ops or Observation. Even Colonel Tynron walked in, forcing the Squadron into attention. He didn't acknowledge them, walking across the hangar he offered the opposing pilots a curt salute. She could only see the back of his head from here, looking among her fellow pilots. She saw a mix of anger and embarrassment on their faces. The Colonel shook the lead pilot's hand, then gestured at them as they all took their helmets off. Rae couldn't see them clearly enough to know for certain, but the murmurs among the squadron reinforced her impressions. The oldest barely looked 17. A look from the Major brought them all back in line, as an Intelligence Officer and the Colonel led the pilots away. [color=teal]"What in the moons of Atollon..."[/color] [color=darkgray]"Kids, we were bested by kids?"[/color] [color=Gainsboro]"Major!"[/color] Tyrell shouted across the hangar, forcing all the nearby din to quiet down. The Major turned, the vein in his forehead as prominent as an eyebrow that appeared to be lost on his face. [color=Gainsboro]"Major, what in the Chancellors name was that?[/color] The Majors voice was low, and Rae was convinced it was only the anger which carried it. [color=slategray]"The future of the Imperial Military. Squadron dismissed, see to your fighters. Debriefing in one hour."[/color]