[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NMyxVl-uZ69t5Tc149bV6_AcMU7gvg8xP1p3J3HNfpc/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230927/d64f14dfa8165af12d143f0d1f7b7cec.png[/img][/center] [hr] [pre]Mom: Sorry I couldn't be at home when you were ready to leave. H: It's fine. Mom: I'm proud of you, Hazel. I know I don't say it enough, but you're still my daughter. And I'm glad you've found a way to put your gifts to use. H: We'll see how it goes. Mom: What's it like over there? I bet it looks really cool, seeing all those giant buildings. H: Noisy. Lots of cars. Mom: That makes sense. Mom: I miss you already. Mom: You can text me whenever you want, okay? I'll see it. Mom: Are you there? H: Sure.[/pre] Hazel shut her phone off, and slid it into a pocket. She didn't feel like talking to the Maternal Unit at the moment, seeing as she was going to get off this fancy jet soon... In another ten minutes. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had to help her box up her bike, and carry the whole thing in pieces over to New York. Three bulletproof, metal containers that could house a superpowered criminal all held the dissembled parts, since no one was willing to cart the thing across the country unless it was stored like this. Hazel would've preferred to just zoom across every state between New York and California, and she could have been there before sunrise if she just brought a box of protein bars. But apparently someone in the chain of Good Guy Incorporated didn't want that either. So instead, she had to ride a private jet, arranged for by Hulk and War Machine. Hazel didn't necessarily mind the free ride, but she preferred the freedom to go places on her own. It would've given her enough time and space to consider how she really [i]felt[/i] about this whole thing. Or maybe she just wanted an excuse to get "sidetracked" and fuck off to somewhere else between points A and B. Eight more minutes. Hazel packed everything she could, including the tools she built her stuff with. So she decided to head back into the cargo area of the jet and deal with the bike. Three minutes were spent digging through her bag, unlocked the containers and reassembling the Vandal in a flash. By the time the jet actually landed, it was powered up and ready to go. The pilot offered her help with her things, but she didn't need it. She had a map of the place already, and slung a huge duffle bag over her shoulders, before ramping her bike off and towards a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710908524602851461/1170826868090474516/sickhex-games-sickhex-games-scifi-warehouse-mat-setup.png?ex=655a747e&is=6547ff7e&hm=b06da2bb911b151bdc70e3f248c3493646cf9e0328292c8d8f995e9a9de1e686&]workshop[/url], where she could store her bike. It was a mix between a garage and Tony Stark's basement which War Machine had set up in advance with whatever the Avengers thought she'd need. Of course, it would no doubt be a shared space, between her and whatever would-be "supers" had a knack for tech. For that reason, Hazel made a mental note to hack the absolute shit out of everything connected to the workshop they provided, just to make sure they weren't spying on her. Hazel parked her ride, threw a covering over it, and pulled up a map on her [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1156395707863937106/iu.png?ex=651579ad&is=6514282d&hm=44cc7d10623207e48d9cbacbe198817beb942c9b45ec2c63c3994de08518916c&]Codex.[/url] New York was pretty big, Hazel saw the buildings from far away when they landed. Looking around for a bit, Hazel found the main gate and worked her way from there, walking through a courtyard with a holographic screen floating in front of her. The statue caught her eye, and she read the words at its feet with little interest. That was the most generic superhero nonsense she ever heard, and she grew up hearing about how they were a big deal. Over in the distance, there appeared to be a small crowd forming around Hulk. Hazel [i]really[/i] didn't want to join all that right now, but she felt like one of them would pester her eventually if she didn't first. So... Fuck it. Hazel strode over. One guy had a whole suit of armor on, there were two that looked marginally identical to one another, and some chick who sounded like a swerving car. [color=red]"I'm here,"[/color] Hazel, stated, announcing her presence. [color=red]"Would've been nice to know that the Shieldies were gonna dismantle my bike before they told me. It's fixed now, though. "[/color] Everyone else might've been polite and formal with these two, but not Hazel. She didn't extend a hand to greet the Hulk, since she wasn't really confident he could shake a hand without grinding it to dust. But she did at least speak to him. [color=red]"Could've gotten here sooner without them, really. Name's Hazel."[/color]