[color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Xiao felt like he had quite a productive day. He had a few meetings about the production and how to keep things from going off the rails. The production of his next movie would be happening in a few weeks, he was excited because he quite liked the script. Of course with the large amount of money starring in his movie was an added bonus. Xiao had made a quick visit to the grocery store to buy food for himself. A few days ago he had phoned his wife who said she was doing okay. Their son Brandon is doing well having just started third grade. The large man was happy that his son was enjoying school, as well as getting very good grades in various subjects. Letting his wife know that he should be back home in a few months, saying his goodbyes to his wife before hanging up the phone. Currently, he was walking down the street wearing clothes that would keep him hidden from other people. Eventually, he reached an empty street that worked as a shortcut towards his apartment. Xiao made his way down the rather cramped street. He kept his eyes on the very end of the street not noticing that he was being followed. Whatever was following him quickly outpaced, Xiao. The figure soon appeared in front of Xiao scaring the large man. It made a guttural noise followed by a loud growling. He was confused about what was going on, and his situation was worsened by the back of his hand feeling like someone stuck a hot iron on it. The pain was intense causing him to drop his grocery bag on the ground. Looking at the back of his head he noticed the symbol now burned into his flesh. He was reminded of that strange dream he had a few days ago. Pondering the figure’s words he remembered what they said if he ever needed to protect himself. Xiao raised his closed hand right in front of his face. For some reason, a name came to mind that seemed to appear out of nowhere. “[color=39b54a]JACK FROST!!![/color]” Yelling out while the symbol on the back of his hand glowed brightly. A small figure appeared in a puff of smoke and landed on its feet. “[b]Heeeeeeeeeehoooooooooo.[/b]” Jack Frost yelled out while facing the goblin. “[color=39b54a]It’s time for you to chill out.[/color]” Xiao smiled while pointing his finger toward the goblin. Jack Frost laughed before holding its hand out, shooting out hard ice shards toward the goblin. The large chunks hit the goblin who recoiled in pain. Xiao followed up this attack by running over and giving the goblin a dive kick. Giving his signature yell while delivering the final blow and making the goblin disappear in a small cloud of black smoke. He smiled feeling good to get rid of such a nasty creature. “[color=39b54a]You did very well my little friend, I assume you came from the mark on the back of my hand?[/color]” He asked Jack who nodded his head. “[color=39b54a]I wonder how I could contact this person. Do you have this person’s number?[/color]” He asked but the little demon shook its head. “[color=39b54a]Well thank you for helping me battle that goblin.[/color]” He nodded towards Jack who raised his hand waiting for a high five. Xiao smiled and kneeled down giving the demon a hard high-five. Jack soon disappeared into a cloud. The large man picked up his grocery bag. He walked away towards his apartment feeling weirded out by what just transpired A figure was watching the battle making a mental note about Xiao. After a few moments of watching Xiao before disappearing.