Sin'Voli had reached the village along time ago. This day she had decided to practice her magic. Her diplomatic duties allowed her to have a free day this morning. Inside, she hated the priests and the temple. But she only tolerated them for alot of reasons. They had money, showed her holy magic (Though they didn't know she could truly learn them!), and they had a large influence, which allowed her to make up lots of reasons to move around. Either by joining a missionary on his journeys or simply being a pack mule by delivering things while she made up an excuse to leave. It was all so simple to manipulate them. Though, Sin'Voli knew that a few of their order were infact powerful priests. True wielders of powerful holy magic that could resist her dark spells. Sin'Voli was excited by the thought of being challenged. Not many other beings had truly been powerful enough to force her to full retreat. Knowing full well if she used her full arsenal, she would most likely start a war and large conflict. Which was troublesome as many people with valuable spells and secrets could die. And that was not worth the time nor the trouble. Sin'Voli finished her breakfast and left the small guest house given to her by the church. She said her good byes for the day to the officials and left with slow walk. She moved towards the forest where she could practice her magic mostly hidden. Sure monsters wandered around out there, but nothing she couldn't scare off if not kill. As she moved down the road she saw her first target. A priest coming down the road as she was leaving the boarders of the town. He was older and looked friendly. Sin'Voli smiled. She could use this as a time to practice her swords. Which came in handy most of the time. As he neared, Sin'Voli kept her hood about her face. Concealing it from view. He looked up at her as he got close, a smile on his withered face. Sin'voli did a fast check to see if any one was around, visually and magically. The probe provided nothing and Sin'Voli smiled as she drew her blades. The old man didn't have a chance. His smiled barely had time to sour as the first edge cut into him. Sin'Voli was ruthless. She wanted to see his blood spray. Feel his skins flesh and tendons peel apart as she effortlessly went through him. She weaved each strike intelligently. knowing full well how to cut as to not spray on her. His clothes drank in the crimson life fluid. He soon reached the peak of his horrible death. Sin'Voli stabbed his chest and lungs, not allowing him to scream in pain as he fell over. Sin'Voli kept him alive for just a moment before using her powers to drain his mind. Absorbing his memories and life. His eyes turned pale and lifeless as he was finally given rest. Sin'Voli stood up and smiled at herself. She had grown so excited and felt euphoria for killing someone after such a long time. She wiped her blades on his robes and sheathed them. Leaving quickly into the forest. She was assaulted with the old mans memories, his entire life sprayed across her mind. She ate all the information quickly and stored it away within herself mentally. Now Sin'Voli was hungering to kill, she had a blood lust. Though she knew first she needed to make sure of a spell she found. It would summon a golem of flesh from the dead. A zombie construct. It was well hidden in the books the chapel. A dusty old book with a regular boring old teaching in it. But underneath the pages were runes, she deciphered them and learned this horrible spell. Yet she was near giddy to try it. She dare not disturb the grave yard for corpses. She would be to large of a suspect if that were to happen. Instead now she simply magically probed the area. She found a random grave sight. One of a father and his daughter. The tombstones scribbled something about a hard winter and love. Boring to Sin'Voli. She recited a fast incantation to animate the dead. Forcing their spirits back into the bodies. Ripping them from what ever spiritual plane they had previously existed in. As they broke earth, one a skeleton and the other a zombie. Not bad, they stood bowlegged and lethargically. Moaning and groaning like the usual. Sin'Voli instructed them to kill people and collect fresh bodies. They soon lumbered off together in a random direction, straight into the forest. Sin'Voli was about to prepare a rune circle for the construction of a golem, but then the oracle light abruptly beamed through. Sin'Voli had completely forgotten about this event. She wanted to find who ever this Chosen one was and steal their knowledge. Or atleast accompany them until she discovered why they were considered the salvation. A truly powerful spell that would be needed to do that. A rush of interest mounted Sin'Voli. She disregarded the golem and quickly made her way back to the village. [center]⚜⚜⚜⚜[/center] Sin'Voli reached the edge of the forest and watched the road. Being near the end of the village border she waited. She was surprised to see a man with a blade stop the Chosen one and her guard. A quick stand off began and Sin'Voli watched with glee as to what would happen.