[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/979533553912131584/1169502611548946444/Your_paragraph_text.png?ex=6555a32e&is=65432e2e&hm=58fc6e02b568f850bd0a3d0b22d32b3c68320a089acd37225298109080b6fe89&=&width=1440&height=506[/img] [hr] “My little angel really has grown up now, hasn’t she?” Mazie could see one singular tear run down her fathers face from underneath his glasses as he said that phase. It squeezed her heart, making her feel guilty that she was starting to feel embarrassed about her parents dropping her off at the academy. She’d seen a few of her fellow students trickle in slowly as she was saying her goodbyes. None of them had been dropped off by their parents so far and it was making her fidget with the handle of her suitcase. She was already going to be singled out for being “human” and a legacy child, she didn’t need others to possibly pick on her for being a daddy’s girl as well, even if all media outlets already called her that. [color=#ab1021]“Daaaddddd….”[/color] Mazie half whined, [color=#ab1021]“if you cry, I will! And I don’t want everyone to think I'm weak already…”[/color] “My sweet angel, you are the strongest woman I know, I cannot wait to see how much you’ll grow here,” He gently pulled Mazie’s shoulders and kissed his daughter on the forehead. She looked at her dad, he had given her so much, she really couldn’t have been raised by a better man. After her moment with her father, she looked at her mother, her huge smile showing off the fine wrinkles near her eyes, “I am so proud of you, Crimson Angel,” her mother hugged her and wiped Mazie’s face of tears, “keep your head high, and remember where you came from.” Her mother was always quick to remind her to keep her composure and remember just how strong her parents really are, all of the things they both went through, whether it was together as a team or before their reuniting. Mazie nodded her head sharply, steeling herself once more. As Mazie was saying goodbye to her parents she couldn’t help but notice some of the other staff members had come out to greet the new group of students, Mazie groaned internally, [color=#ab1021][i]why did Uncle Danny have to show up now?[/i][/color] “Ironfist, you bastard, what are you doing here?!” her father yelled as her recognized his footsteps from halfway across the courtyard. Ironfist nodded to all of them and made his way over to them as Mazie squirmed, hoping no one noticed the attention her dad was now bringing by yelling into the courtyard, “Daredevil, Elektra, Crimson Angel,” giving them each a firm handshake for a greeting. [color=#ab1021][i]I didn’t ask for a family reunion…[/i][/color] Mazie thought to herself as she looked around the campus, drowning out the adult talk as the three of them caught up as if Uncle Danny wasn’t over for dinner at their house just last month. Mazie surveyed the other students that had arrived, mostly searching for her friends Danielle and Ian. She saw what looked like relatively normal students, no one caught her completely off guard, although the one in full plate armor was a bit odd for now. She stood on her tiptoes and impatiently looked around more, searching even harder for a familiar face and not finding them easily. She cut into the adults conversation, [color=#ab1021]“Uncle Dan, have Danielle and Ian showed up yet?”[/color] she restlessly bounced on her toes, scanning the area. He chuckled, “no Angel, they’re not here yet, but we do have quite a few who have shown up. Why don’t you introduce yourself while I finish up with your parents?” Ironfist winked at her, tipping her off that if she doesn’t leave now, her dad may embarrass her again. She mouthed a [i]thank you[/i] and hugged her parents once more. Ironfist clapped Daredevil’s shoulder and said, “she’s in good hands,” but the sentence and conversation faded as Mazie moved towards the ever growing group of students. Before Mazie was even close, she heard a few of the greetings professor hulk was getting thanks to her keen hearing, "Hi, Professor Hulk! I'm Mia Thompson. It's a pleasure to meet you!" and another "Would've been nice to know that the Shieldies were gonna dismantle my bike before they told me. It's fixed now, though." Her heart leaped, [color=#ab1021][i]okay I have the name of one and even another girl with a bike! Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad afterall![/i][/color] Mazie took a deep breathe to calm her excitement. She thought it best to wait her turn with Professor Hulk and the other students so she looked to the real main attraction in the courtyard, the statue. She read the plaque, "It's not about where you were born, or what powers you have, or what you wear in your chest; it's about what you do." and she thought to herself that maybe the other students might have resonated with it but it felt like it was put there as a specific reminder for her. She may not have powers or mutations or godhood like some other heroes in the world, but she didn’t need them, her character and her heart would guide her. She would make this world a better place. With confidence and reassurance coating her body like honey, making her feel warm and imperturbable, she strode off towards the beginning of this new chapter in her life. Mazie stopped short of the large green man in a fetching tweed coat and extended her hand, [color=#ab1021]“Professor Hulk, it’s an honor to meet you and to have been accepted into your fine establishment. I’m Mazie Murdock, or Crimson Angel, if you’re so inclined.”[/color] She shook his hand, feeling the sheer power of the man in front of her. Although her politeness was genuine, she couldn’t help but size up the man, trying to hone in on where his pressure points would be and how she could take down a man of his size. [color=#ab1021][i]It would have to be based on agility and chi alone. Maybe stealth would give me more of an advantage. His arms are crucial but legs would be easier to take down first…[/i][/color] Her mind raced as she did her best to start to train her brain to think of all threats and not just the ones she’s encountered of the human variety in the dojos. By then, she had left her hand a little too long in the Professors. She did her best by trying to act in awe of him, “truly an honor sir,” as she slowly backed away from him and closer to the others. [color=#ab1021][i]Well, with how that went and if anyone saw that I already know Ironfist, they’re all going to think I’m a teachers pet… what a reputation to start with… [/i][/color]She mentally kicked herself but didn’t let it show.