[quote=@Unhinged] *Stares you down in your descent* Then you should take more care in heeding the pact you made when we began. *Snaps my fingers as the music stops and freezes on a single, incredibly elongated note, forcing you to freeze in place in the air just before hitting me* Or quit. You already succumbed to a loss condition against my brother alone. *Steps to the side, and casually yet swiftly spins around and kicks you in an arc across the air as the music picks back up immediately on impact* [/quote] *Flies through the air from the strike, hitting three newly-materialized platforms of the same material, each shattering after the last from the velocity of impact before I slide down the blood-splattered third as the spell kicks in again* I don’t remember targeting any of them. It’s as much your fault. *Prepares to kick off once more but stops myself halfway through the motion, instead slamming my hand into the third platform and glancing up inquisitively, as if listening intently*