[@Tortoise] [h1][center][color=gold]The Pilgrim’s Caravan[/color][/center][/h1] [h2][sub][center][color=gold]The Giant Galaxor & The Undead Tombs[/color][/center][/sub][/h2] [h3][sub][center][color=gold]Tombs, bones and an axe[/color][/center][/sub][/h3] [b][color=red]DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! DRIIIINNNKK!![/color][/b] [b][color=red]GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! C’MON! GET ITTTT! ONE LAST DROP![/color][/b] Shout after shout as two barrels of dwarven ale lay upside down above Galaxor’s mouth, pouring their highly alcoholic liquid down his throat. It seemed that Galaxor would almost drown at one point as the liquid in his mouth was slowly spilling out of it. This was one of his favourite activities in the caravan and one that made him money from his fellow travellers. A giant can drink way more than most of the other races without getting drunk and their liver recovered fast from alcohol, a fact which most people don’t know. A fact which Galaxor always enjoyed showing. As the barrels let out their last drop, a loud cheer was let out by the crowd. It was maybe one of the few activities that still brought joy to the caravaneers since they arrived in the forest. But even those that showed up to the drinking bouts or contests, were considerably less than they were before. The crowd was thinning. Less familiar faces. Less enthusiasm in their voices. People chose to stay closer to their families rather than go out drinking with a giant. [b][color=red]Come on! One MORE![/color][/b] the crowd shouted but then…Galaxor heard something else. A voice. [quote=Athulwin] To Galaxor Stoneclaw, the great giant explorer, he says: "Stoneclaw, O giant wanderer of our Caravan, there is word of ancient barrows nearby. Was it not your purpose to see the world, so that you may bring stories of it back to your tribesmen? Well, while we are stopped for some time, perhaps you'd like to venture out and explore these forsaken old ruins. Some others may wish to go with you. I hear of tales of undead- and I admit, I do not like having such a threat so close to our Caravan. Take your axe and your fists with you, should you go. I do not think any skeletons will withstand you." [/quote] Words. Words from Althuwin. Danger. Adventure. Perfect! While Galaxor wasn’t a fighter nor from a fighting clan, he always loved fighting, especially as he chose to embark on this potentially very dangerous mission. In fact, this was one of the many reasons he was even allowed to go. The Stone King himself declared him to be fit for the task. As such, he put down the barrel he grabbed earlier on and lifted a hand in the air. “[color=gray]Sorry guys, the big boss man is calling me. But don’t worry, I’ll be back! HA! HA! HA! [/color]” he said with a loud laugh that slightly shook the barrel. His voice was like the stone itself, hard, strong, unbreakable. Galaxor took two steps forward, making the ground shake a bit as he walked and grabbed his massive battle-axe with one hand and lifted it up, putting it on his shoulder and let out a shout towards where he thought Althuwin was. “[color=gray]Did somebody call for an EXTERMINATOR?![/color]”