[quote=@rush99999] [@Excession] Quick Question: Do bad things happen if the six bodies of a goblin fail to remain within close proximity of each other? [/quote] You've got a maximum dispersal range of [i]around[/i] 12 metres, and that's where you feel a kind of... signal loss. The distant body has slowed reflexes, weakened cognition, goes catatonic if they're fully out of range. You could arrange your bodies at 10m intervals with minimal negative effect - you know when you go into work on two hours less sleep than usual and you can feel yourself being kinda slow? The result and sensation are kind of like that. A goblin left catatonic out of range for a few hours can start to lose autonomous brain function and asphysxiate. There are horror stories of goblin bodies cut off from the whole that become independent and strange but this has never been proven. Trollkin a whole would consider experimenting with such a thing to be monstrously cruel, like cutting off a human's arm just to see what happens. But maybe some untroll maniac has tried it. Could this be foreshadowing? We'll see.