[h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=FF9A4F][b]Gear[/b][/color]: A hot ass dress [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F20%2F04%2Fa4%2F2004a4b876602c0022363b57b15b2bdb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c0437569cdd10c6f1efae9b432477e0a7c4a4e95121921ac9145c77044f26d1b&ipo=images]Oh god oh fuck[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Putting aside the fact that April panicking was a regular occurrence, Leah was a tad concerned as to [i]why[/i] she appeared to be freaking the fuck out. Unsurprisingly, though, that panic stopped the [i]nanosecond[/i] she laid eyes on Leah. And suddenly, Leah was getting kissed, and she began to feel okay with wearing a paper-thin dress that showed off her muscles. Leah grinned, ignoring the ghost boy just zooming past her... And the fact that she should've knocked first. But in her nervousness, she forgot that manners were a thing. [color=ff9a4f]"So do you. Wait- I just said that. Okay, so what are we- Fucking- Woah- Watch the-"[/color] She wanted to say [i]watch the door[/i] since Leah was getting dragged through it, and was several inches taller than April, who was [i]dragging her through it[/i] like some sort of super-strength having motherfucker. Holy shit, she was a lot stronger than she appeared to be, being able to tow Leah around, when Leah was built like a damn horse. She was so caught of guard that she almost fell over, and noticed that April was now running up to hug and kiss Sabine. And- Wow. [i]Sabine.[/i] The sword, the hair, the funny-looking armor? [i]Wow.[/i] [color=ff9a4f]"Hm, I- Damn. Okay. Nice armor- April, what the [i]hell[/i] are you talking about? Who are we nuking here? Is it Usagi? Because I can just do that myself- Kick the fucker for a field goal all the way to New York. Who fucked up?"[/color] Was it obvious she was staring at Sabine? Of course it was, but who could blame her? Hell, April probably was too- Actually, no, she was [i]definitely[/i] staring, knowing her. Fuck, they were hot, fuck, [i]damn.[/i] This hallway was starting to get a bit crowded. And Leah did not recognize a single costume here. Of course, she wasn't about to [i]say[/i] that, since it would be a whole thing. Was Percy even [i]wearing[/i] a costume? Honestly, he just looked like that normally. [color=ff9a4f]"Okay. So, uh... I don't really do this whole dancing thing you guys usually do every year. Are we supposed to get there at a certain time or something?"[/c