[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uErtVtX.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xu7nPzs.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Rune_Alchemist][@Click This][/sub] [hr][i]Havershel Estate[/i][hr] [center]Battle Theme:[url=https://youtu.be/-51_oLom9xE?si=WQ3mUsIdlD4k-jNd]⚔️[/url][/center] Lucrecia held fast as she clashed with Camio's onslaught of bladed feathers. The blessed steel did it's job and seemingly deflected the attacks, allowing Madeline to follow up with a prompt counter. Until she was suddenly impaled from behind., causing her to yell in pain as her blood splattered on the floor. [color=9e0039]"Madeline!"[/color] Lucrecia exclaimed. The spell that held Camio's blades was no longer in effect, and the lord had shown his cleverness by anchoring his blades behind the pair then letting them loose once they thought they had checkmate. Lucrecia reflexively attempted to break off the blades and free Madeline, until a familiar voice rang out. Lucrecia's employer had arrived to greet the women who faced the enraged demon lord. Lucrecia looked as Livia ensnared Camio with but a small incantation, holding the wine glass that her boss casually gave to her. With another incantation, Camio erupted in blue flames, much like the ones Livia demonstrated to her during her prior lesson in magic. The mighty demon lord, albeit a lesser one, that they were just barely managing to survive against was rendered unconscious with just a few spells that didn't even make Livia break a sweat. It further reminded Lucrecia of her place, and where she needed to get to eventually. Magic really is a powerful tool, it seems. Eyeing down the glass given to her, Lucrecia downed the whole drink down in one gulp, after all this she definitely needed a drink. She quickly looked back at the injured Madeline, running over to her. She had several gashes and stab wounds, and her blood was all over the floor. Lulu turned to her master and Cassandra. [color=9e0039]"Per favore, le signore, Madeline needs healing!"[/color]