[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/DqIIOcu3zjUAAAAC/mia-smoak-kat-mc-namara.gif[/img] [i]Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall, Cafeteria Costume: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/1168625857640800317/latest.png?ex=655272a4&is=653ffda4&hm=6f76b23f05bb6d1d83c34c6532cc85818d9bd9ca6deb90a08c46aefb53dc5a5f&]Annabeth Chase[/url] Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] As Diana got closer to the cafeteria she looked around as she watched some of the various other students were all dressed up in different costumes. They were all pretty cool looking as Diana noticed Zelda coming up dressed up as Rogue and Victoria dressed up as some sort of monster, she approached her roommate and team leader giving them a friendly smile and wave. [color=32CD32]"Hey how are you two doing?"[/color] Diana asked as she stood by the entrance to the cafeteria where everyone was entering. [color=32CD32]"Love the costumes by the way to."[/color] She also noticed Kate, Cassie as well as America all dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls, she remembered watching it growing up it was a show that her mother Maria had grown up watching as well to. [color=32CD32]"Nice costume you three, are you ready to have fun tonight?"[/color] Diana asked making some small talk, she did get along with Kate and had a friendly rivalry with her on who was the best archer in the school. [hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/utvGu5D6dOUAAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall Floor Six Room 602 Costume: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/1168625909822140456/360.png?ex=655272b0&is=653ffdb0&hm=490ca7082bd3651d4df12b9fbed1609fb9f580688f17a5b32cc2d3419cb76847&]Castaspella[/url] Skills: N/A Grimoire: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne gave Percy a friendly smile. [color=7FFFD4]"Thank you, love the Tenth Doctor costume you got there."[/color] She said, Madalyne had watched Doctor Who a few times before her mother really loved the show and watched just about ever episode. She then stared at Leah as she just rudely barged into Danni and Dorian's room without even saying hi to her or Percy. But she didn't say anything when Sabine came up and waved at her and smiled. [color=7FFFD4]"Thats an awesome She-Ra costume Sabine, and we were waiting for the others to finish but I guess we can go inside now."[/color] Madalyne said when Dorian came out and practically dragged Percy into his room and followed shortly after. She smiled at April when she complimented on her costume and did a little twirl for her. [color=7FFFD4]"You look really great April."[/color] She said to her best friend as she went to kiss both Leah and Sabine, she was happy for the three of them they did look really cute together. Her attention turned to Dorian and Danni their costumes looked pretty amazing as well to. [color=7FFFD4]"I'm ready for a group photo."[/color] Madalyne said as she looked at Leah. [color=7FFFD4]"We can head down there now people are probably at the cafeteria right now. Also whats going on?"[/color] Madalyne asked looking at April wondering what was going on exactly all she heard was her mentioning her dad nuking someone.