Not gonna lie, had a harder time than usual coming up with this one, so please, feel free to give feed back or let me knwo where I should adjust things. [hider= Conáilte "Conn" Laoch] [center][h1]Conáilte "Conn" Laoch [/h1] [img][/img] [hr] [h1]Basic Information[/h1] [hr] [h2]Age:[/h2] 27 [h2]Race:[/h2] Human [h2]Class:[/h2] Cleric + Wizard [h2]Weapons:[/h2] Bare handed combat and Spells [h2]Detailed Appearance:[/h2] Coming in at just a hair under six feet in height, Conn's best, if not necessarily noticeable at times, feature is a pair of striking blue eyes framed by a light skinned face that burns rather than tans in the sun. Though he prefers to keep his attire light and airy so that he can move freely, his preference for the color blue can often lead to his clothing appearing a bit gaudy. This, combined with a well kept beard and equally un-well kept hair serve as distractions from the slight tracings of arcane symbology along the trim of his clothes. Sometimes, when his collar shifts, one can glimpse the edges of a large tattoo that takes up the majority of his torso and back, an oriental style dragon that curls around his body. In combat, one of the first enchantments he activates is a shimmering field of mage armor, taking the shape of azure half-plate that encases his form. [h2]Bio History:[/h2] Orphaned at an early age when his parents succumbed to a disease they could not afford to treat, Conn was accepted into the local Church as a ward. His early years were filled with seemingly endless amounts of prayer and chores, honing his body and mind towards the service of the Church. He learned to let his faith guide and empower him, his devotion earning him the gifts he needed to begin exploring the healing arts. He studied tomes of medicine and lore, learning to channel the gifts his faith bestowed upon him to tend to others in his community. For some, he was simply a friendly shoulder to cry on, for others, a mender of broken bones and soother of fevers. As he entered his late teenage years, he felt a calling in his soul to leave his humble church and head into the desert region of Vradia. It was during this journey, as his body and mind were frayed by the heat and sands, that he would meet a man named Malachai. Malachai was a hermit of the desert, an outcast from the city of Dolg due to his open belief that the Gods had failed the people. The two nearly came to blows several times over their differing beliefs, but Conn believed the Gods had sent him to this man for a reason. After nearly three days of bartering, interspersed with the occasional religious debate, Malachai agreed to teach Conn the arcane arts in exchange for Conn's promise to use that knowledge to help the people, not just the Faith. Conn agreed. Years passed, even harsher than his time in the Church. Yet when he finally left to return to the rest of the wide world, it was with a roughly worn book of arcane knowledge in his arms, and a faith that there was good in the world worth protecting. [/center] [h2]Likes:[/h2] [list] [*] Hearing other's stories [*] Mending injuries and illness [*] Nerding out over arcane secrets [*] Fermented fruit drinks [*] Romance Novels [/list] [h2]Dislikes:[/h2] [list] [*] Closed minded people [*] Violence being the first answer to a problem [*] Sunburns [*] Poor organization [/list] [center] [hr] [hr] [h1]Skills and Abilities:[/h1] [h2]Abilities (limitations and drawbacks):[/h2][/center] [list] [*] [b]Dispel:[/b] Conn's study of the Arcane and Religious texts provides him with a multitude of options for suppressing or dispelling arcane and divine power. This power can be used to counter spells as well as dispel magical effects. Drawback: Countering magic is a tricky business of either overwhelming the spell or introducing chaos into the orderly control of the spell itself. Repeated use of this power during combat becomes exhausting after three uses, and there will be magic beyond Conn's ability to counter(GM caveat). [*] [b]Spiritual Weapon:[/b] Divine energy shapes itself into a simple or martial melee weapon that Conn can control at a short range. Drawback: Requires as much concentration as actively fighting the opponent directly. The only real advantage is the ability to keep an opponent engaged at range. [*] [b]Calming Presence:[/b] As long as Conn's faith in himself and his companions holds, he remains a calm spot in the chaos of the world around him. Speaking with him helps dispel negative emotions such as anger or frustration, and his natural lack of fear may help steady others against terrifying foes. Drawback: Conn is still a regular human. How much can he burden himself with the emotional weight of others before he begins to break? (Roleplay disadvantage) [/list] [center][h2]Skills:[/h2] [/center] [list] [*] [i]Arcana[/i] - The ability to discern the subtle weaves of arcane magic and determine it's purpose and structure. [*] [i]History[/i] - Many books that Conn read during his time at the Church detailed local and regional history, from ancient times to recent events. [*] [i]Persuasion[/i] - It isn't enough in life to know how to talk, one must also know how to win minds and hearts with those words. A single word can win you obedience, a dozen can win you true loyalty, and a hundred can help heal even the deepest of wounds. [/list] [center][hr] [hr] [/center] [/hider]