Byjerlfal City, Commercial district. [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] The flecthling was understandably, not amused. It struggled in Richard's hands, chirping irritably and trying to free itself from the trainers grip before deciding that at least, like this, it was not getting free. “Ahaha, sorry about that dude.” The young man replied with a nervous smile. “This little fella’s been giving me no ends of problems. Thanks, just uh, keep a firm grip on him will ya?” He’d pull out a pokeball, from his pocket, likely the Fletchlings in question. “The names Kennet. I’m a pokemon breeder, run a ranch affiliated with the lab here out on Route 13 with my dad. We were in town and I was taking some pokemon out for some fresh air, and this little guy has a habit of bein’ a bit uh, free spirited.” He took a few seconds to pet the Fletchlings head, who only chirped in a decisively derisive fashion. “Ey, don’t be like that.” He’d chuckle lightly, pulling a small piece of bread in a wrapper from his own bag. Opening it, he’d hold it for the Fetchling. “Or do ya not want one of these?” The fletchling eyed the bread, then Kennet. Then up to Richard, and back to the bread before chirping and taking a few bites of it. “Anyways, I’ll take him off your hands. Oh, and well, I’d feel bad if I don’t give ya something for helpin’ me…hm-Ah-!” However, before Kennet could go to actually give Richard anything, the Fletchling's body was starting to heat up to painful levels as it struggled free! "Ah no you don't-Gah that little guy's fast...! Normally he's not nearly this difficult. I mean he is but, ugh, gotta run before I lose him. You wouldn't happen to have any pokemon on ya that might be able to help, huh?" Whether Richard did or not, would be up to him. Either way, Kennet would take off after the Fletchling again. It seemed like it was zipping off in the direction of the park. Also, assuming Richard scanned the Fletchling at some point... [hider=Fletchling] [center] [img][/img] [color=8dc73f][i] "Fletchling are a bit too high energy for me. Great for snuggling in bed, though.” Pokemon successfully registered. The tiny Robin pokemon Friendly and cheerful, but extremely aggressive and vicious in combat with a particular disdain for Squawkabilly. It can heat up its body enough to cause burns and its melodic chirps are often warnings to stay out of its territory. 500p gained!”[/i][/color][/center] [/hider] [hider=Possible Actions] The Museum, is still here. Assuming he doesn't help Kennet catch this free flying bird. You can get to Route 1, Route 2, and Route 25 from Byjerlfal. Neither of the three routes are particularly dangerous. Frieda mentioned a cave system on Route 2. The contest hall isn’t particularly far from here. Might be a few trainers loitering about in the streets? There’s also a few pokemon you could run into here, if you wanted to search. That Riley fellow is still sitting on the steps leading up to the museum, seemingly talking on his phone now, though… Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) [/hider] Byjerlfal City, Industrial district [@Bartimaeus][@Crusader Lord] Urban Exploration [hr] The emotions in the place were positive. Friendly. Amusement and mirth...but buried under all of that, towards the back of the place was a small feeling of…annoyance? Clarissa wouldn’t have noticed anything from the crowd, but sitting in the middle of a group of sailors was a rough looking man wearing a bored expression, but he didn’t seem to be of any consequence to them at the moment…looked like they were taking and placing bets on the Pokeathlon… Supposing no one went over and bothered him. [hider=Wobbuffet] [center] [img][/img] [color=8dc73f][i] “Wobbuffet, eh? Those things creep me out a bit. Too friendly.” Pokemon successfully registered. Wobbuffet, the Patient pokemon. A curious, odd pokemon that is extremely friendly but dislikes attacking and battling greatly - preferring to take hits and deliver devastating counter attacks. If its extremely bright out or surprised by something, it can become agitated. Be warned not to touch its black tail. 1000p gained!”[/i][/color][/center] [/hider] Ripley could also scan the pokemon, of course. “Oh, you after them Murkrow? Ugh, those nuisances are always bullying Wobby here.” Beryl harrumphed. “Wobbu…“ Wobbuffet shrunk slightly. Literally, deflating its body a bit at the mention of the Murkrow. “Normally they ain’t out durin the day but if they were, they’re probably having a scuffle with them Starly that live over in the Resort and Commercial districts. Miss Keira loves those birds. If you wanna find some you might try your luck once night comes? Otherwise I think I saw a few roosting up in the roofs of some of the warehouses. There's a few of 'em normally roost out there by that old toy factory's roof, but uh, not easy getting up there and they usually got a huge flock. As for our menu…” Beryl grinned, taking a few steps towards Clarissa. “...welll…how about this. Since you’re new trainers and its ya first time here how about I do a little favor. Half price anything ya want. As for our special, well, today its a stew made with fresh deep-sea fish, served with a loaf of fresh bread, and a few other things I would definitely totally recommend, promise.” [hider=Possible Actions] Find pokemon (Specify if you’re looking for anything in particular or how you look) Find trainers to battle (There might be a few people here looking to tussle, especially the sailors.) The Resort and Commercial districts can be easily accessed from here. The residentials a bit of a walk. Area Specific: Order some food? Tuule’s here, he might be fun to talk to if you ask him something or have some reason to say hi. He might not be around for much longer, considering hes a gym leader. Surely you don't wanna talk to that shady lookin' guy seemingly taking bets... Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) [/hider] Route 1 [@Pyromania99] [hr] Now catching a pidgey off guard was something that would be a bit difficult to do. They were an attentive pokemon, and quite wary of their surroundings usually. So as Camila sneaked up on the flying type, it’d raise its head from the ground where it had been digging for food, quickly swiveling its head around as though it had heard something…and just as Camila ordered it to use Powdersnow, it would turn its head right in their direction in the same instance Vulpix would inhale and then exhale a blast of snow-laced frigid air towards the flying type. Immediately the pidgey would flap its wings, trying to kick up dirt and dust from the ground in order to protect itself, only to be hit with the ice attack, getting knocked around lightly but not enough to be dazed, quickly taking to the skies, injured by the attack but not quite in a condition that could make it so easily caught yet. This of course, meant the pokeball Camila thrown had simply whiffed and sailed under the flying type. “Piii! Piii!” It’d chirp angrily, aiming to hit Vulpix with a flying tackle. [hider=Some actions/locations you could go to] Find pokemon (Specify if you’re looking for anything in particular or how you look) Find trainers to battle (Probably not hard to find other trainers to battle here of varying skill levels) Train pokemon. (Skip the grind, and we get to the result. Tell me how you train and if you just grind wild mon or some other creative training) Move along. (Don’t want to engage with anything and move quickly to the next destination? Go ahead, then. A few events may prevent this.) Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) Area Specific: There are a handful of fishermen along the river. Perhaps they might have something interesting. You could always head back to Byjerlfal [/hider]