[hider=Justianian Gardner][CENTER][h1][COLOR=Darkorange]Justinian Gardner[/COLOR][/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/74/3c/8f743ca108fb656cf74638f4ac5a4164.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SUP]________________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER][CENTER][COLOR=FFFFFF] [b][color=GRAY]NAME[/color] [/b][/COLOR] [color=darkorange] Male [/COLOR] | [color=darkorange] 24 [/COLOR] | [color=orange] Lorenzia[/color] [color=gray]Scion of[/COLOR] [color=darkorange][b]Earth[/b][/color][/CENTER][CENTER][SUP]_______________________________________________[/SUP] [color=GRAY][i]"He's got a good heart and the hardest head you've ever had the displeasure to clash with."[/i][/color] [SUP]________________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER] [/cell][cell] [center][h3][i][color=darkorange]Incepta, in your benevolence I ask you to forgive the actions this poor soul whom you have blessed will now commit.[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [b][color=gray]Holy Sigil Location[/color][/b] [indent]It shines within his right eye, burning ever brightly like his vigilance against evil.[/indent] [b][color=GRAY]Appearance[/color][/b] [color=FFFFFF][indent]A handsome young man of average height and lithe build, walking around with an aura of smiles, laughter, and passion. Justinian takes to dressing with great flamboyance and decor, dressing in ways which grab the most attention and taking the time to keep up with the local fashion trends, though never at the cost of his ability to burst into action against threats to the weak. His slender frame belies a extremely fit physique, however, as he has built his body with a gymnast's flexibility and a soldier's sturdiness. Callous line his hands and feet and he carries more than a few scars from his numerous excursions(supervised and not) to face off against the monsters that stalk the country side. The most notable of these is a rather nasty looking scar on his upper right shoulder, a reminder of a encounter against a beast on his way to visit the Rodion Dominon.[/indent][/color] [b][color=gray]Personality[/color][/b] [indent]Bright. If one were to describe Justinian in one word, it would be bright. His dispostion remains cheery no matter the circumstances, he always tries to lift the spirits of those around him, and always willing to be the butt of a joke to crack a smile on someone's face. Rather than wallow in what he has lost, Justianian lives every day like it might be his last and gives thanks to Incepta for every night it isn't. His piety is beyond the reproach of most, in all areas but one: He refuses to let himself be fully constrained in his use of his abilities when it comes to hunting down monsters. And it is with this standpoint that the other factor of his personality comes into play, because much like the element he is imbued with, Justinian is [i]infamously[/i] stubborn about things he has set his mind too. The wilfullness of his youth and a fierce independance have only catalyzed with his faith due to his belief that his awakening was Incepta decreeing that he should use his powers to save the helpless and so he often will bash heads with Templars, the church, sometimes even Her Grace High Cardinal Margaret herself. With all due respect, of course.[/indent] [b][color=gray]Biography[/color][/b] [indent]The earth Scion's life before his awakening was. . . an unpleasant one. He was the son of a factory worker that spent all day in a failing factory to bring home scraps to a family of 4 with seemingly another on the way. His mother could barely pay him much attention, so he spent his early life with a great deal of independance that gave him a willful streak that his parents found equal parts exhausting and amusing. It was a rough life, but it was his and he was happy enough with it. The only regret he carried was lacking the ability to help his family rise from the poverty they found themselves in. Unfortunately, this menial commoner's life came to a bloody end as a shadow fell over the small factory town. It started slowly, first with people's pets vanishing in the twilight hours and strange noises being heard in the dead of night. When people started to vanish, a call for help was sent to the local lord of the area. Justinian would not learn until much later that the Lord had known this danger was approaching his town, but the creature and its pack was a known danger that had even managed to take the lives of Templars in the past so they had decided that the loss of one or two commoners as had been the beast's pattern was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make. But the creature did not stop at one or two. More and more as the week progressed, people kept disappearing. Homes went quiet, the old factory deemed unsafe. And then, one day, the monster made it's final strike. Justinian saw the first of the monsters on that day, masses of skittering legs and shining black carapaces bursting from the ground as he and his friends played in front of their building complex. Everything after that, however, was hazy and indistinct. He remembers screams, his father grabbing his arm and pulling him. . . somewhere. He couldn't remember where his mother was, or his sister of only 5 years. He could not remember when he and a few other kids had been huddled together in the backroom of the local church, his father looking at him with tears in his eyes and asking him to be brave and keep the younger ones safe. He can remember the banging. Even to this day, he remembers the skittering screech of talons on stone work, of heavy oak buckling and bending against the weight of something huge and savage. He still sees that door at night, in his dreams, bending and buckling and [i]breathing[/i] like some great dragon about to unleash a torrent of death upon him. He remembers praying to the Goddess, as clumsily as one can expect of a frightened child. A prayer not for himself, not for his family, but for the strength to protect them all. A prayer to give him some form of agency in this terrible nightmare. To take away this horrid helplessness that gripped him as he stepped infront of the other children, feeling a strange burning crawl through his body. And he knows that Incepta answered. When the Templars came a two days later to investigate the presence of a Scion, what they found left them both horrifed and speechless with awe. The town was covered in the corpses of man and monsters alike but rather than scavenging like the vermin they were, every monster had been frozen in a crystalline amber shell, somehow still alive within their prison. Justinian and the children he protected were found in that church basement, surrounded by a wave of the macabre crystal sculptures while Justianian just say there with a small baby cradled in his small arms. From beneath his frazzled blonde hair, the holy sign of the goddess shone with a dull amber glow from his right eye. The children had all been too scared to leave, wanting to wait for their parents to come and take them home, and the newly awakened Scion had sensed the state of things through the ground beneath their feat. He couldn't bring himself to break that hope to them. In his first meeting with the Templars, Justinian's denied to follow his Templar rescuers until he was promised all of the children in his care were to come with him. He had refused to leave them in that mausoleum of a town, as they were his responsibility. His father had told him to take care of them, and he would not let them out of his sight until he was sure they'd be safe. It wasn't until the head templar gave his wor that he would finally relax, nearly fainting into the arms of the man. That was the last time that he ever let himself cry. For the next year, Justinian responded little to any prompting outside of specifc questions or inquiries, he remained quiet, respectful, and rarely left his room. Whenever he spoke, his gaze never met that of who he was talking to, as if gazing somewhere miles away. The only thing that ever sparked any interest in him, strangely, was reading. It was the only request he ever made and it was quickly given in hopes of improving the young Scion's condition. He seemed especially fixated on the first Scion of Earth, Isidore Laurent, whom he spent hours reading about in every form he could find. Whenever he spoke, his gaze never met that of who he was talking to, as if gazing somewhere miles away. And before long, his birthday came around. As he lay in bed, twelve years old watching the kids he had saved all come into his room with present for him, thinking about how they only reason any of them were here was because of his actions that day . . . a choice was made, bringing with it the first smile he'd had in a long time. He told his handler that he had finally felt ready to accept his place as a Scion, which was met with much joy and relief from all around who had about how this event would effect a personof such importance. It was only the next morning that his handler, and all of Lorentia for that matter, would realize the true meaning of his words. The year had not been spent just idly processing his trauma and reading, but listening to the very earth beneath his feet. Feeling the heartbeat of the planet and letting it lead him to the places most active with creatures like those that had attacked his home. The vermin that existed only to ruin so many lives with their destructive desire for chaos, living outside of the natural order. As the sun broke, Justinian's small form was being broadcast live by flabbergasted villagers as he dragged out a wolf-like monster that had been terrorizing their livestock for weeks, the small girl it had been stalking held in his arms. One of several rescues he had made that evening and would continue to make for many years after. Justinian swore on that day not only to never let himself feel that level of helplessness again, but to save every person he could reach from the unfair horrors of life. It was the decree given to him by the Goddess herself and he would fufill it, even if her voice on earth disagreed with him.[/indent] [b][color=GRAY]Weapon of Choice[/color][/b] [indent]Justinian has taken the years to teach himself at least a passing familiarity with a number of weapons like the spear, staff, sword, and even the bow. But when it comes to his favored weapon, that would simply be his own two hands. Often channeling the strength of the earth into his form, Justianian reinforces his own body to smash through obstacles that stand before him [/indent] [b][color=GRAY]Misc.[/color][/b] [list][*]Prefers to sleep with door wide open [*]Asks his templars not to knock when approaching him [*]has a pangolin plush known as Sir Clawde [*]Still watches over the kids from his home town to make sure they're doing well [*]Does a prayer every morning and every evening to isidore laurent and Incepta respectively [*]Justianian has devoted himself in secret and private to the mastery of his powers, most notably that of making crystalline constructs, 'listening' to the earth, and the growth of plants..The latter more comes in his reverence for the First scion of earth [*]Despite having some.of the best teachers, Justianian has proven . . . difficult to teach many of the "proper" topics a Scion is expected to know. A mix of lacking patience and genuine struggle with understanding.certain higher concepts [*]offers his friends bracelets made from colored diamonds. [*] He has a vlog channel, mainly posts his daily routine, exercise vids, training vids, fan meet and greets, and the occasional fight assuming it's not too messy. It can be difficult to get good footage for those [*]His online username is "RockinRangerJ" [*]Justinian has been a Scion for 13 years[/list] [/cell][/row][/table][/hider]