[hider=Don't call me Mr. President's Big Little Brother][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/wwnwCWa.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/KBRS8Is.jpg[/img] [CENTER][SUP]________________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER][CENTER][COLOR=FFFFFF] [b][color=1E90FF]Salvatore Esposito[/color] [/b][/COLOR] [color=GRAY] Manly man![/COLOR] | [color=GRAY] 28[/COLOR] | [color=GRAY] Lorenzia Scion of[/COLOR] [color=1E90FF][b]Lightning[/b][/color][/CENTER][CENTER][SUP]_______________________________________________[/SUP] [color=GRAY][i]Why doesn’t he talk or react? He’s big. He should be a wrecking ball. Something must be wrong with him. [/i][/color] [SUP]________________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER] [/cell][cell] [center][h3][i][color=1E90FF]”Knowing your own strength can mean the difference between life and death.”[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [b][color=1E90FF]Holy Sigil Location[/color][/b] [indent]Inner right wrist[/indent] [b][color=1E90FF]Appearance[/color][/b] [color=FFFFFF][indent]Salvatore is a hulk of a man. Partly because of his travels and always on the move and partly because of genetics. He was always a tall sonofagun. Stands at 6-foot-7-inches and a body that is mostly muscle. His hair, though naturally straightened and silky when he was birthed into the world, has since been stylized into dreads that always stay up due to a blue headband worn at all times, which allow the sight of both an x-shaped scar on his left cheek and his striking blue eyes. His travels have been good to him. He is built like a mountain man. Bulging biceps that are weapons in their own rights. He has many scars all over his body. Some are noticeable while others are covered by his preferred of light plated armor to be worn as every day clothes - including the wristbands. He also has reinforced shin plates for his boots. Outside of that, he wears a dark blue cloak that has since been reduced to a vest substitute due to, again, his travels.[/indent][/color] [b][color=1E90FF]Personality[/color][/b] [indent]Honor is deeply rooted in Salvatore’s beliefs, but for every intent and purpose, he’s always been a lively, energetic man. For as long as he could remember, he’s held a deep love for the world and everyone in it. His heart is truly that of a good and honest person. Not only won’t he tell a lie, for some reason, it’s impossible for him to lie to someone’s face. He, unlike his older brother, the President of Lorenzia, would not make for a good politician. He’s much too pure and good to even be considered for such a position. Because he is a good person, that also has created some troubling situations for him. He’s much too stubborn to ever compromise his integrity. It’s caused arguments with both men and women. Despite his inability to lie, he loves to debate. Loves to argue and especially after he’s knocked back a few too many mugs of rum. When he does that, things get tense. He fights as much with his mind as he does with his fists. A man his size who is as intelligent as he is, ironically, unwise when it comes to not knowing his own strength. Truly the literal representation of the duality of man. [/indent] [b][color=1E90FF]Biography[/color][/b] [indent]Life for Salvatore has been anything but normal. Mostly due to his abnormal size. As what one might expect for someone whose first experience with puberty came before he entered the chronological stage of double digits, Salvatore towered over most kids his age and even over his own older brother. Because he had always been a good kid and was seemingly raised right, Salvatore was the classic case of a gentle giant. Never laid a hand on those who rightly deserved it. Never let the comments of being a freak ever get to him. There was never anything that could change who he was. Whether that was the promise he made to himself or the advice he once received from his brother, Salvatore always stood firm that he was bigger than that. Literally and personally. As time went on and the giant boy grew into a giant man, Salvatore became even further committed into his own beliefs. Most of them personal and bound by an honor code he developed, but also as a countryman of Lorenzia, as well as a believer in the Goddess. All of them crafted him into the man he became. Salvatore understood at a young age that his size would more than make up for a lot of things in life, but he still became well-educated, taking his studies seriously. In fact, it was surprising to a lot of people who knew him from his younger years, but ever since a young age, Salvatore took a great interest in the other countries. He especially loved it when world history classes came along because it meant he could learn about the other countries. A personal dream of his was to travel to them. He wanted to see the other lands, soak up their rich history and culture, and consume as much knowledge and experience as he could. For much of his adult life, Salvatore spent the years not just soaking up the written knowledge of the world, but because of a family friend of the Esposito family a woman who was ten years his senior by the name of Gianna Bianchi, a beautiful woman with Lorenzian features. A merchant who had a whole network of both land and sea-faring vessels. She knew well of Salvatore’s love for the world, having been included in some of the excited tangents he would go on about certain facts about every country. Even his least favorite of Doumerc, which he always had one or two things to say positively about. He was already an adult when she had asked what he thought about coming to work for her on her chartered cargo ship. It didn’t take a lot of convincing, but Salvatore was at a crossroads. This was the sort of opportunity that only came once in a lifetime. He had worked within the capital as a local merchant, so his experience wasn’t lacking in doing it globally, but his brother was here. His family was here. His whole life was in Ornell. Gianna understood this and gave him half of a year to think about it. That’s when the next time she would be rolling into town for her next shipment of cargo. Salvatore did indeed spend the following six months thinking about a lot. Simultaneously, he put certain eggs into a basket just in case he was going to lean in the direction that pushed him to follow his life-long dream. Unbeknownst to him, there were other things working in the background. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Salvatore was so mentally fixated on whether or not to take up Gianna on her offer to work for her that he never realized that his brother was being elected as the next President of Lorenzia. This came as a shock for a lot of reasons. He must have never realized just how much of an interest his brother had in politics, but he also didn’t think his brother could be so foolish. With all the knowledge of the world that Salvatore consumed in books, there came a certain understanding about how the cruel game of politics worked. There was always a secondary motive behind every big play. He had made what he suspected was the truth, even if he was wrong, Salvatore made it known to his older brother. Knowing his brother, maybe he didn’t see it. Maybe Salvatore was wrong. Or maybe it was just this immovable force that Salvatore was, a brick wall of a man who couldn’t see the desire that was the unstoppable force of his brother. Or it was the higher-ups in Lorenzia manipulating him like Salvatore suspected all along. It didn’t matter what the reason was or who was right or wrong. It became clear they both refused to yield on the ground they stood firmly on. Ignorance or too much empathy be damned, Salvatore wasn’t getting anywhere with his brother. The tide was changing for the Espositios and the sail of Salvatore’s life took him in a different direction. WIthin a fortnight, he was gone. He took Gianna up on her offer and was soon a traveling merchant on the sea. Life as a merchant went well for him. He was still quite young and managed to travel all over the great continent of Estora. Some months he spent the entirety soaking up the rich culture and rich religious history of Rosaria, perhaps the most beautiful country of them all. He spent multiple durations throughout the other countries, but the last one was when Gianna sent him on his solo mission, having done so well during the year and a half he was under her tutelage to deliver goods to a single client in Rodian. She wouldn’t tell him who it was, but just that maybe he might learn more than his name from the man. During his stay in Rodian, Salvatore was on a solo mission and he spent many nights with an ex-soldier who took a liking to him because, like him, he was also a big man. One that didn’t like to fight, but because of his size, he had no choice. Somewhere between delivering goods to this man, he took a sabbatical and became this older man’s student. For five months, he learned how to fight with his hands. Not just use his strength but proper technique on how to block, how to throw, how to deliver a solid, yet non-lethal blow, should he need to. It was with this man he also learned about what it meant to be larger than life but not wanting to hurt. It was here he came to understand that just because you were big didn’t mean you deserved to feel less than what you were. Not long after this, as part of the end of his time under the tutelage of this man who was so generous with his time, he and Salvatore went out for drinks. Just two men enjoying a night out. It was going swimmingly. They were both having a great time, enjoying each other’s company and even had some food, but there was a group of individuals who decided to make trouble. They were also large men - bigger than both Salvatore and his friend was. They seemed to have a problem with Salvatore for some reason. He didn’t know why, but they immediately started to poke fun at him. He didn’t respond. He learned restraint and he had dealt with bullies all his life. Even at twenty-six, he still felt the effects of unjustified harassment. But they wouldn’t stop. They took his admission of defeat as a reason to mess with his friend. Only that’s where he drew the line. Even one little attempt to fight him and Salvatore put a stop to it, stepping between them. Tensions escalated but even though they tried to hit him, all Sal did was block them. That irked them and three men began to wail on him, getting nothing but blocks. His mindset was to never fight back. He never fought back against people because he knew his size. He never wanted to be the reason anyone wound up in the hospital or parents were the reason. Even for someone who abided by a mostly pacifistic way of living, even he had his breaking point and that came when all three of them went for a series of punches that were not just blocked, but countered. He used his strength to hurl all three of them back. But just as he did, there was a phenomenon occurring within Salvatore that went unnoticed by him, but everyone in the bar noticed. On the inner portion of his right wrist, a light blue sigil of some kind appeared on his body. In the very next moment, lightning exploded from his fists and while it avoided the three bigger men, it destroyed the roof of the bar, causing debris of stone, iron, and wood to fly all over the place. Salvatore didn’t quite understand what was happening, but those in the bar did. Soon word would spread to the Church. The modern-day Scion of Lightning would be known and his name was Salvatore Esposito. The changes that came were felt immediately for Salvatore. Firstly, when the Church heard of this, they immediately sent for him. He was soon escorted out of Rodian and immediately was sent to Veradis and to the capitol. Everything he had come to enjoy about his life had changed. Assigned a templar, wherever he needed to go, he went under the supervision of his Templar. Wherever he needed to go, he went with his Templar. Though he primarily lived in Lorenzia again, back in his family home, which had made accommodations for his Templar, as it was now required, there was something different about him now. See, Salvatore hadn’t been the same since his abilities manifested. He had always strayed from wanting to fight. He always rejected the idea of fighting because it wasn’t fair to those who were smaller than him. He could hurt them. He knew there might come a day that his worst fears would be made a reality; and even though he didn’t hurt anyone during that day, there was still the pure and simple fact that he could have. That stayed with him even to the present day. He hates being a scion but hates letting his emotions get the better of him even more. Salvatore Esposito is a big man with an even bigger heart. He doesn’t want to hurt but knows he will. So he does whatever he has to. Not just as a man of Lorenzia, but as the Scion of Lightning. [/indent] [b][color=1E90FF]Weapon of Choice[/color][/b] [indent]Due to his overwhelming size and surprising almost pacifistic nature, Salvatore never had any real needs or desires to properly train in any class of weapon. That being said, he does wear plated shin guards and bracers. In addition, his primary “weapon”, as many would refer to it, are iron gauntlets. They more pack enough punch, especially with his size and strength that comes with it.[/indent] [b][color=1E90FF]Misc.[/color][/b] [list][*]THEME GOES HERE [*]Salvatore became the current Scion of Lightning in the Summer of 998. [*]Sal loves to read and frequently is on the hunt for first editions and anything new he hasn’t read before. He also writes poetry, though he doesn’t think he is any good. [*]An avid meat eater. He can consume at least 5 pounds of meat in one sitting, if he is allowed to. [*]Sal does have social media. He’s on Instagram under the handle @BIgSalEspo [*]He looks big and scary but he’s actually quite friendly and might even make the first introduction with a small wave. Imagine that. A big man like him waving so simply. How could you not love him? [*]Keeps a private journal of every blessing and/or job he does that require the use of his magic. It is to ensure he does not have an unaccounted-for moment where his powers go awry.[/list] [/cell][/row][/table][/hider]