[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City || Outside Camphor's Lab || Morning[/right][/row][cell]Yuu remained silent as his new partner voiced their response, with the girl eagerly jumping at the chance for a fight, as well as Aster who looked all too eager to duke it out. Jojo on the other hand was less judgemental of their new friends and merely trilled out a friendly [color=firebrick]"Riooooo,"[/color] to Aster and Jill, wildly waving his arm up and down at the duo. Yuu couldn't help but pause, glancing over to his partner who seemed all too happy about their new companions before looking back over to Vivi who seemed to jitter and whir with glee. He still could not wrap his head around what Vivi saw in them as he raised an eyebrow before glancing back at Jill before shrugging. Following that, the effeminate boy with the Cottonee pointed out that battling in a lab might not be the best of ideas. [color=92278f][i]"As if she needs a proper reason to toss us out anyways,"[/i][/color] Yuu couldn't help but bitterly reflect on being forcibly evicted by the Professor's own partner, grumbling under his breath about it. Still, didn't need to tempt fate or anything as he silently trudged towards the door, but not before arcing his head back to look at Aster and the girl. [color=92278f]"One more thing before we go out,"[/color] Yuu's tone of voice became more matter of fact, as if it was a life or death situation despite them just going out for a quick match, [color=92278f]"Vivi's putting their faith in you, so try not to let them down, got it?"[/color] The boy didn't even entertain an extra thought for his rhetorical statement as he turned back to follow the other two out the door, failing to pick up on the obvious disdain the chocolate girl with the Slakoth showed. [hr] As he marched to his side of the field, Yuu waited for Jill to take her spot alongside him as he silently studied the duo and their partners, mentally preparing himself as he made a small checklist of moves, abilities, and so on their opponents would possess. Once she took her spot, Yuu would give her a shallow nod, before glancing back to Jojo who was still standing on his shoulders. [color=92278f]"Alright Jojo, y'ready to go?"[/color] [color=firebrick]"Riolu!"[/color] The Riolu snappily cried out with a determined grin as it nodded to Yuu, resulting in a smile and chuckle slipping from his lips. [color=92278f]"Alright then partner, lets go,"[/color] Yuu thrust his arm out, hand outstretched as Jojo ran across his arm before launching himself off his hand like a diving board and landing on the field and getting into a fighting stance similar to when he was sparring against Yuu. It was obvious that his opponent would try to capitalize on Jojo's weakness, but the moment he heard the words 'Yawn' was the moment cogs started turning in his head. [color=92278f]"Follow my lead, Jojo use Quick Attack to launch the Cottonee at Aster!"[/color] [color=firebrick]"Rio,"[/color] Jojo acknowledged Yuu as he focused his eyes on the fluffball in front of him, took one step forward before speedily dashing towards the intended target, closing the distance almost instantly as he attempted to get behind Cottonee and follow up with Yuu's initial plan.[/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon [/u] Jojo the Riolu | Lvl 5 | [color=39b54a]Healthy[/color] [u]Pokédollars [/u] 000.001.000P [u]Inventory [/u] x3 Potion x5 Pokéballs [u]Interactions [/u] GM | [@Rune_Alchemist] Jill | [/hider][/cell][/table]